[Archive] [split] Chaos Dwarf design discussion


I'm not sure the question is whether they would make a profit or not, I think the question is whether they would make enough of a profit to make it worthwhile.

That's the only thing on GW's mind atm, to make 'enough' profit.


As they should, nothing wrong for the to make moeny so they can contuie to do this great game. The bad part is that they don´t see our Chaos Dwarfs as a market (something to sell and earn profit on). We are alarge playerbase that would buy anything, just a single big hat with a great weapon! And we are not the only one, I know for a fact in my gaming group that seveal more would buy and play if just GW made a update with new rules and new miniatures.


Yup, GW is not a charity. They will release CD if it can make money for them and their shareholders.

I’m mostly puzzled as to why they think that CD would sell worse than Tomb Kings, Lizardmen or even regular Dwarfs. If GW can make money out of evil humans or evil Elves, then why not Evil Dwarfs?

Anyhow, i’m not too worried about a new book at the moment. My local club and tournaments all allow the US Indy GT CD rules, which are well balanced and a lot more interesting than the Ravening Hordes list.

As for miniatures, hopefully Forgeworld Fantasy wil release some CD, they’ll sell like wildfire and GW will sit up and take notice.


It would be impressive actually for them to have warmachines with religious design elements.  I can't actually think of any warhammer warmachines where this is obvious.

The bretonnian trebuchet: it shoots pieces of grail chapel, and looks like a gothic cathedral...


I fear that if GW brings out chaos dwarfs again, that they'll be a part of the chaos armies as we see them now.
Even the rumour that forgeworld will redo them pitches them into the chaos army...

I personally don't like to have chaos dwarfs that just look like stunted marauders with curly beards.
I also find it annoying that the hellcanon crew had eight-pointed stars on them.

If GW/forgeworld redoes them, most of the Hashut background will be left out... it'll probably still be in the book, but you won't be able to tell that Hashut is their god when you look at the models. That is what I think when I look at the helcanon.

Yup, GW is not a charity.  They will release CD if it can make money for them and their shareholders.
I'm mostly puzzled as to why they think that CD would sell worse than Tomb Kings, Lizardmen or even regular Dwarfs.  If GW can make money out of evil humans or evil Elves, then why not Evil Dwarfs?  

Anyhow, i'm not too worried about a new book at the moment.  My local club and tournaments all allow the US Indy GT CD rules, which are well balanced and a lot more interesting than the Ravening Hordes list.

As for miniatures, hopefully Forgeworld Fantasy wil release some CD, they'll sell like wildfire and GW will sit up and take notice.

This is the big problem with CD's now. Yes there are players that like them but they have mini's and they continue to convert more even helping others to obtain and create armies for CD's , and yes there is a demand for updated rules but now those are being created by the fans too.

Then there is the whole "what should they look like" issue with its divisions, mini-me chaos , or some assyrian theme, players not liking one or the other, or something else new.
For GW a CD army could be a lose lose situations ,the rules , the mini's,  the entire market.

For fans its a sort of catch 22 , wait for an unknown length of time for new GW rules and new mini's and not have any CD's to play or not wait,  make your own CD rules and mini's now and decrease the market incentive for GW to do it.

Its not the fans fault IMO , GW has been way to slow to respond to a market in this case and the train has left the station w/o them.