watch out for Lore of Death's spirit leech. it causes the caster and the HC to roll off and add their leadership. for every point the HC loses by it takes a wound, the Leadership on the Hellcannon is only 4.
Da Crusha
You use the highest leadership value for this. So the Hellcannon is LD 9...but on I tests, it still takes the lowest (really, not like I2 is doing it tons of favors)
The Hellcannon is a great psychological monster. It adds a very interesting threat to our list. Making units panic, from afar. As with most elite armies, we're often outnumbered. Making that one brick of (insert chaff/ tarpit name here). Having access to Doom and Darkness, or better yet, the -ld spell from our amazing lore can really mean dark times for many armies. Roughly half the armies out there have mediocre to lack luster leadership (non characters) and you can easily make them sweat.
As it fires like a stone thrower, there is a lot of inaccuracy with this beast. For Warriors of Chaos, I've almost stopped taking it entirely, as it's 1-2 shots a game usually veer wide. With our access to RE-ROLL, we can make this bad boy shine.
In combat, it is a beast, but only against the right match ups. It can hold up and win vs most infantry that are low-med. strength. It can terror bomb flanks and just hold down some units meant to deny you steadfast.
The Hellcannon victories RELY on thunderstomp. It has a few attacks for a wide base and not great WS. The thunderstomp turns the tide. If you're going against Cav/MI/ MC etc, you lose this. However, even losing it, you're unbreakable, so no big deal. You're just not going to win it. Careful as the Hellcannon isn't cheap and you'd ideally like to recoop it's costs.
That being said, holding a flank of your 25-40 Infernal Guard could be priceless.
The Hellcannon suffers against High ST troops, S5 and S6+ really chew through him. With a low I, it's doubtful that he'll get to hit back.
Cav units on the charge can often make mincemeat of the Hellcannon. I've seen Boar boyz , Dragon Princes, IC knights just obliterate him on the charge. So be careful.
In a comp-ed enviroment, they bring a bit of hate. Take two and you'll be facing doublehydraunkillablelordCauldronofBloodSacDaggerMindRazor6diceIWin! all day long.
Ultimately, The HC is a versatile tool and can get a few shots off, and vs. some troops just wreck their faces.