I've been using a 30 dwarf strong unit with Blunderbusses and the Banner of the eternal flame, added to them are the army standard bearer and the Prophet.
Yes it's expensive, yes it's all your eggs in one basket, but it's a VERY sturdy basket that rocks in the shooting department, especialy when Ash Storm is working, gets all the bonusses of hw+shield in close combat and a rerolable stubborn lvl 10 leadership.
Blunderbusses are still my favourite Chaos Dwarf weapon, but it's not because of the rules.
If you think that you could either have 20 IG with blunderbusses (& shield) or 30 with HW&S
for the same number of points, you really need to be using those additional points spent on the blunderbusses to some advantage. I've managed to get my large blocks of CDs with Blunderbusses working well in a couple of games, and they have been a good deterrant, as several opponents didn't want to face the blunderbusses when they charged in, and I was able to redirect some enemy units this way.
Undoubtedly the blunderbusses get better the more of them there are, and re-rolling missed to-Wound rolls is fanstastic, but you need to be shooting with 30+. Yikes.
My real challenge (personally, as the person playing the game) is with using the big block of blunderbusses to the best advantage. They are a huge points sink with only a 12" range, and you're only making use of those extra points spent on the blunderbusses if you're shooting and taking your opponent's points
off the table. With such short range you're only shooting if something is already within charge distance, and chances are that what ever it is is already charging you anyway - in which case you could be in close combat afterward for a turn or two and those extra points for the blunderbusses are wasted. If you're trying to maximize shooting you may even have them deployed laterally, in which case for their first round of close combat (assuming the enemy didn't Panic and flee after losing 25% of its unit) they aren't going to be setup for maximizing the combat res. bonus for extra ranks... although you can reform even from defeat if you haven't fled.
Don't get me wrong, I've had some great successes with them, but from personal experience, don't waste the points on them in low-points games. I've used a block of 26 of them in a 2500pt game, and the same number of a 1000pt game (the latter was just for fun). At 1000pts it was just a total waste, and I kind of knew that going in. The other bit to keep in mind is that sure they have AP, you're firing D3 shots per model, but they're only S3. It's nice that they don't suffer any modifiers for standing and shooting or for firing at long range if you have enough guys firing, but they still aren't effective against high toughness opponents... that being said, they'll cut squishier units to ribbons very nicely. I've used them to greatest effect against Skaven and Empire so far, and when playing against Tomb Kings my opponent wouldn't bring his skeletons anywhere near my blunderbusses ;) They're not a Swiss army knife though, so if you need them to be able to stand against a range of opponent types, or if your army needs another tool in its toolbox, you're better off investing those points elsewhere.