[Archive] The festering legion of Tamurkhan (currently FW Infernal Guard conversions)


Sorry about the two giant pictures - I’m not too good at resizing yet.

An update on my progress - I’ve kitbashed two characters together. I’ve made a daemon prince from Azazels’ torso, legs and tail, and Chaos troll bits, as well as a knights’ sword. I’m still working on this one though.

I’ve also assembled a Champion using a Chaos Troll head. I think it looks quite good - rather hunched and gargoyle-like. I’m pleased with the results so far.

I’ve also just placed the order for the SoM book, and two manticores - one for a Sorcerer Lord and one for a plain Warrior Lord. For those that haven’t caught on yet - I love the look of the new model (and the spare parts!) :slight_smile:

I’ve also started work on a Nurgle Warshrine, with three “priests” riding it - one to steer and two sorting through the bodies and ripping them up for the cauldron which I’ll put on it. The basis will be the corpse cart - not just for the cart but also so I can use the long spear on my marauders on the Mammoths and to use the wraith/necromancer as the basis for a Sorcerer of Chaos conversion (an idea that I thought was original before I trawled around on Warseer for a while)

So that’s my update for today. Hope you’re all fine and exited as I am about the new releases :smiley:

Ps. I was going to get the new Chaos Sorcerers of Tzeentch models but they both look like the same one - one dressing up to go to battle and one dressing up to go clubbing. I think they look rather silly.



Well, I’ve painted up a very old sorcerer on disk (the one with the moon head) and have modelled the base for my first Chaos mammoth. I’m still modelling the second one but I’ll hopefully be picking up some new drill bits so I can attach the tusks and trunk asap.

I’ve decided to keep the actual throne itself from the second, unpainted mammoth to be converted into a crew member for a warshrine of Khorne.

Sorry, but no pictures this time - hopefully the next will be of my painted Mammoth or my manticores! :smiley:



A very Nurgly army! I like the insect carapace effect on the hero. Lots of other goodies in there, as well. :slight_smile:


Cheers Admiral :slight_smile:

A lot of the above is old models of mine, so the new paint style isn’t reflected accurately. I’m planning on doing my Chosen of Nurgle in similar fashion to the Lord of Nurgle as doing that for all rank and file troops would be very tiresome (albeit beautiful)

My major goal for this month is to have 2 manticores, 2 mammoths and 2 toadies ready for battle.

Fingers crossed as next month I’ll (hopefully) be doing…

…Emperor Chaos Dragon!

That is, I’ll be spending about $40 on paint alone for that beastie, haha.



How can you afford all this stuff???

you must aether be very well or your living on the streets and are spending all your income on man dolls.

Awesome work as always


@fonejaker - I run one of the family busnisses so I get enough to get by, but most of the money I’ve spent this year is remnants from my university fund (had to leave the course due to a large health scare earlier this year… grumble) so it’s either I spend it/bank it or the money I paid for the courses which included the “cash in hand” scholarship goes to waste. That and I was very bummed about having to defer for a year. I’ve also recently sold my old 5th edition O+G army so that funded part of my Chaos army
Although, no matter how well off one is, the partner always knows how much you spend. It’s seriously creepy. You can shred the receipts and hide the boxes in cupboards for a week but she’ll know when you’ve bought something :stuck_out_tongue:
Thanks for the compliments guys :slight_smile:
It means a lot to be told my work is acceptable - I’ve always found the actual painting to be my weak spot but I feel I’m getting better at it - slowly.



So, after doing right by the fiancee’s book she’s seen me fit to purchase a Great Chaos Dragon with express shipping :slight_smile:
I should get it late this week or early next - the same time I get my SoM goodies! :D:D
Very, very happy about this and I’ll let you know progress on it.
Over and out



So today I received my Emperor Chaos Dragon which I’m quite happy about. It’s gonna be a challenge to assemble it, but it should be fun :slight_smile:

I’ve also updated the list to include my new models.



Am really enjoying the Horde O’ Nurgle. I really enjoy the concept of the endgame battles against chaos, and a sea of festering warriors marching from the Wastes.

You have sooo many Chaos models that it seems almost impossible to paint them all. Looks like you have a strong start, so keep it up!! I want to see more pics!!


Cheers for the compliments Galladorn. It’s a great inspiration to have people on the other side of the world appreciating the work that I do on my army :slight_smile:

I really can’t see the end of my army - I just have so many ideas that I’m planning to get done in the next short while, and even more since.

Are there any pictures in particular that you want? Most of my models are in boxes at the moment, but I have a fair few out on my workstation if you want to see them.



I’ve assembled the legs, torso, and the left arm of the Emperor Chaos Dragon today, and will do more later when the greenstuff dries.
In sadder news, my dog was put to sleep today after a lengthy court case. For those interested, a woman brought her dog onto our property where we sell flowers (also our home) without a lead and it attacked our dog, who fought back, resulting in the other dog dying of its injuries. Not only do we have to pay their vet bills for their dog but also have to have ours put down. I don’t need to say how saddening this is as she’s been my companion for years :frowning:
So if I appear rude for the next while I apologise in advance - it’s just my inner grudge bearer speaking!
My goal for today and partly to distract myself is to complete the Chaos Emperor Dragons’ construction :slight_smile:



Not bad: pretty decent tabletop quality, I’d say. Don’t know if someone already mentioned it but perhaps you could work with more thin layers. From what I saw in the two big pics it looks like you’ve either use dry-brushing as a main technique or apply a rather thick layer of paint. Am I wrong?

So far: keep up the good work, I’m jealous of anyone being able to get his hands on such a lot of minis :slight_smile:


Spot on Anonymous, with the nurgle lord I generally stuck to thick, gaudy base coats, then did an ink wash and then did thick “feathering” over the top. For this model in particular I think varnished over the top as I was experimenting with different sealants at the time :slight_smile:

An update on my progress: I have assembled the main body of the Chaos Emperor Dragon and now only need to attach the head, wings and hands, which means I’m only a few pins and greenstuffs away from having it finished! Hopefully tonight I’ll be able to upload some photos of it in size comparison pics of you want.



Ooooh, yes please! :smiley:


Well, I’m off to get some brass rods now (and if that fails, lots of bobby pins!) for the wings so I can safely say you’ll have some comparison pics :slight_smile:
What would you like photos of it next to, mate?



Great work on everthing , really liking the armour on the nurgle guy , i have to say nurgle is the way :slight_smile:


Cheers for the comments guys :slight_smile:

I have good news and bad news; the good being that I’ve attached the heads, hands and one wing.

The bad being that I can only do one wing at a time as they need to dry for ages (even with greenstuff and heavy pinning, and that I drilled into my finger doing it :frowning:

It’s not too bad so I should be okay to finish it off tomorrow. Also placed an order for a Great Spined Chaos Beast, a unit of Fireglaives and a unit of regular Infernal Guard. I’ll probably just chuck in a chaos warrior command for them as I don’t want to pay approximately $10 for each command model. They should be here by next Tuesday which is good :slight_smile:



Waiting till Tuesday for pics? Awwwwwwwwww.

I am disappoint. :stuck_out_tongue:


Nono, not Tuesday for photos - I’m attaching the last wing tonight so you’ll either get them today or tomorrow. I’m getting my Infernal Guard and Giant Spined Chaos Beast on next Thursday at the latest :slight_smile:



I’ve finally finished building the beast! It was incredibly difficult to build as I dropped it after greenstuffing it and gluing it, which made the claws and an arm come off :frowning:
However, it’s back together and will set overnight before I can take proper photos as I’m too scared to touch it. It’s wrapped in foam at the moment so it won’t fall over. It’s weird that most of my FW models so far are unbalanced, but I guess it’ll be easy enough to fix with a base :slight_smile:
