[Archive] The Fimir of Albion - out of the mist

Mr Saturday:

It sets like rubber, so it has some flexibility.


So is it bendy or does it set brittle?


Polymorph (if it is indeed the same stuff) sets like pvc.
It'll bend it you apply quite a bit of force, then it'll fracture when you hit its elastic limit.


Ah, that explains it a bit. Was worried for a second.

Can’t wait to get mine :slight_smile:



Used for press moulding
And can be picked up from eBay and CMoN.
and is said to be the same as 'Friendly Plastic' - that's been around for years.

"Instant Mold" = Oyumaru.  This has been proven on a few forums & Oyumaru has been used for quite awhile to make molds for artisan foods etc.
The CMON stuff is simply rebranded with a 100% price increase & they only stock the boring clear stuff.;P

Oyumaru is very bendy when hard & you can get great press mold results.


Sorry to hijack your thread :~

Is the orc head made using this as a mould? Also, would I be able to make decent two-part moulds for sure of CD-sized units?



Sorry to hijack your thread :~
Is the orc head made using this as a mould? Also, would I be able to make decent two-part moulds for sure of CD-sized units?


Answers to your questions are yes & yes.
My apologies for the hijack as well.

@Mr. Saturday,
Have you considered Kroxigor for a Fimir base model? I'm a fan of the cyclopean guys as well & Kroxigor have good features & lots of room to add GS/bits etc.

I'm still convinced that if Nick Bibby didn't goof the scale up, Fimir could have been mainstream.:D

Mr Saturday:

No worries, hijack away! I’m very interested in moulding techniques too, especially for larger parts.

I hadn’t considered kroxigor, but the reptilian thing is just where I’m looking. I hadn’t in fact considered lizardman models at all, I must look over the range…

My current list requires 40 fimm (human scale) 6 fianna fimm (ogre sized) one meargh (ogre sized) and one bsb (human scale). I’m lucky enough to have 6 of Nick Bibby’s fimir, so that’s the fianna fimm sorted.

The scale, indeed. Jes Goodwin’s human scale fimir shows how things could have been, considering fimir are one of the only GW specific races. I don’t know about mainstream though, the fimir’s rather dark method of reproduction prohibited that, I think. It’s probably why I have them allied to humans in this army, it mitigates against that inescapable part of the background.


Thanks dudes :slight_smile: That really helps.

I have no doubt that this will sound stupid, but does BSB mean “Battle Standard Bearer”?

I also think the old Kroxigor models would would make a beautiful base for conversions. Have you thought about the old Slaan models as a base? I think they’re pretty similarly built, but I don’t know all too much about the Fimir to be honest.

Nice cover-up :stuck_out_tongue: Surely though some humans would willingly breed with Fimir for their protection/power. Stranger things have happened in the Old World haha :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Mr Saturday:

I have no doubt that this will sound stupid, but does BSB mean "Battle Standard Bearer"?
Not at all. It does indeed mean battle standard bearer.
Surely though some humans would willingly breed with Fimir for their protection/power. Stranger things have happened in the Old World
Well, Slaanesh?

I'm keen not to lizard up the fimir too much, despite the obvious. I want them to have more of a Dark Crystal or Labyrinth look, Brian Froud's work specifically. They are half human, half demon, so I want to play more on that. Having said that, there are definitely lizardman models that might suit as base models for certain troop types. I may rob the howdah off the stegadon (or spider), actually.



Its quite cheep around the place. I’m guessing on ebay it will be even cheaper in bulk


Bought some from eBay in bulk for fairly cheap, but the postage of most things to Australia is quite exorbitant I’ve noticed.



This is the alternative, its white but extra cheep!

polymorph | eBay


Just to be clear on the Kroxigor, it’s not the newer ones, but the ones shown in THIS thread that seem like they would be the best fit.

I’m guessing they were the versions prior to the current ones, but they have smoother features, far more similar feet/legs, & the heads are a separate piece. Some of the tails are even spot on.:wink:

Mr Saturday:

By George, look at that tail. A head-swap, some filing, maybe work on the abdomen and presto.


Anyone that have one of these and a original metal Fimir that could show them next to each other. I only have 2 of the original metals, and thats whats keeping me from start painting my Firmirs/Bogs - but Kroxigor could certainly change that. 3 those, 4 fingers and look at that tail :smiley: Judge from pictures the look more slim and tall, but might not be such a big deal. Think I’m of to eBay finding me a few Kroxigors :wink:

Mr Saturday:

I’d guess the Krox are a good bit taller, though that might not be a big deal. I’d like to see those shots too.

Mr Saturday:

Okay, here’s the standard bearer. He needs a little more work, mostly on the face. I want to scar him a bit, perhaps knock out a tooth. I have the first rank done now, including the painted fimm, which is great. 25% of unit one assembled!


Ohh, nice work.

How long does each one take to do?

Mr Saturday:

Thanks Nitro. I’d say all together, each one takes about two hours.


Outstanding work!

I much prefer the heads you’ve sculpted over the Bloodmoon ones. 2 hours/mini is well worth the time spent.:wink:

I’d guess the Krox are a good bit taller, though that might not be a big deal. I’d like to see those shots too.

Mr Saturday
Actually, if you use the 40mm bases to measure from the screen, they track pretty close in height to the Bibby sculpts. The Fimir Warriors tend to be in more hunched poses, so they might look more undersized, but you could easily widen the stance on the Krox. The Krox are more muscular up top, but that will balance out if you give them a proper Fimm gut.