[Archive] The Lizard King - CD dice box


… and now my Golden Hat 8 - warmachine!

I think it fits good to the remainder of my army, very rude and a bit “hordes” like! A good addition to my Juggernaut, I presume …


My next minis will follow - they are painted but my little “house-troll” (my son) crushed my digital camera …             



Mwehehehehe this looks so old school it’s not even funny. However, it sure is bad a**!

Nice work Zanko! Very nicely done. It’s so very Helm-era which is great for your army!

Kera foehunter:

that is cool !! great job Zanko!! what model is it that driving the beast

the hansom guy with the eye patch and armor


Very 3rd-ish indeed :hat off - so how can you not fall in love with this ‘baby’. Sad to see it didn’t made it to the finals :frowning: Had this on my personal favorite list.

And a very cool use of Thunganir. Haven’t bought that one myself, as I find Reapers a bit to big in a 3rd-ish army - but you have really posed him in a way - so it isn’t showing - have to reconsider Reaper’s, I guess.

Know the gunner/loader, but what are those cannon’s and goblin/hobgoblin crews inside the trolley ? Grenadier/Mirliton? :wink:


@ Kera: This one is like clam already said “Thunganir” from Reaper Miniatures


@ clam: The Goblin Crew is from GW, not from Grenadier ( I know it’s a surprise :P) - originally they were from the Lead Belcher which I use as a Death Rocket  



Very cool. And you’re right, it would blend in well with the old Juggernaut figure.

Kera foehunter:

Thanks very much guys

He make a great pirate with a captain hat and two swords


A cool conversion with loads of old models… And the “feeling” of it feel just right in your army, same as with Keras it was a dead give away who where it came from. :wink:


@ clam: The Goblin Crew is from GW, not from Grenadier ( I know it's a surprise :P) - originally they were from the Lead Belcher which I use as a Death Rocket  

From current plastic Leadbelchers?? - those two within this machine holding a hand on his head and the other holding a torch are not plastic gnoblars - you are kidding - right?


From current plastic Leadbelchers?? - those two within this machine holding a hand on his head and the other holding a torch are not plastic gnoblars - you are kidding - right?

No, no I mean the old Lead Belcher - this one!

... not a new one, I don´t now the new one (!) - really!!!



My mistake - should have know that we were talking about some old, rare, OOP stuff - I actually have that Organ Gun somewhere - should start a search for it


Really cool find there! Plus the potential of Goblins blowing themselves to smithereens is always exciting!


Here is my latest update …

- 1st my Wormcentaurs from the Underworld - mighty allies!

- 2nd my Warlord:

- the 2 Heroes:

- 4th the missing Lead Belcher which I use as a Death Rocket:

That´s it for the moment … :hat off


Border Reiver:

I really like your AoW Lord on shieldbearers. The Lord is painted to a very good standard.


Normally I’m not crazy about 3rd ec stuff but yours… yours is amazing. As previously said so stylish it is not even funny!

I know that Golden Hat entry was yours, I could bet everything and it was one of my favourite! :hashut

Hashut would be pleased of your Lord and your organ gun. Thy olde lead belcher rocks! When I saw it for the very fist time I screamed “goblin with organ gun?!?!” :o and yours is amazing.

Just please tell me how your worm centaurs could move 16" ahahhaah, are they like the speed snails from Neverending story? Ahahahha :cheers

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I really like the look of your army and the colour schemes. The Chaos Dwarfs have an “Out of the Moutains” look to them as opposed to the regular “Out of the Volcano” look we’re all accustomed to.

The Warmachine lead by the central Rhinox looks terrific with the grinning Dwarf in photo #2, and I love Thunganir and the girl with the arrow shield. (I have her in my army, thanX to Kera.)

The “Worm Centaurs” are quite scary looking, but they do look awesome! UGH! I’d hate to see them in motion…little legs twitching and bodies wriggling! They’d probably bend up in the middle too, like an Inch Worm. Quite creepy…but wonderful painting and model building.  Are they your own invention or are they from a manufacturer. Too bad that they didn’t have insect eyes instead of human eyes.

Normally, I don’t think Chaos Dwarfs should have shield bearers as it’s too “Good Dwarfy”, but the Avitar of Woe Dwarf looks excellent on his pearch!

Keep up the good work and I’ll be following your progress!



The "Worm Centaurs" are quite scary looking, but they do look awesome! UGH! I'd hate to see them in motion...little legs twitching and bodies wriggling! They'd probably bend up in the middle too, like an Inch Worm. Quite creepy...but wonderful painting and model building.  Are they your own invention or are they from a manufacturer. Too bad that they didn't have insect eyes instead of human eyes.

Tarrakk Blackhand
The Wormcentaurs are from Rackham Miniatures (France), great and detailed minis. Unfortunately they are a bit too large. You can see it quite good at my 1st pictures. The standard bearer at my original "Immortal" Unit is also a Rackam mini.



Do you ever rest? - but thx, this blog of yours is really motivate for me to paint my own collection :wink:

I love the use as the Goblin Organ Gun as a Death Rocket, I might have to steal that idea, unless ‘Sjoerdo’ comes up with something spectacular anytime soon :wink: Still think, I have this model somewhere - though the first search didn’t reveal it’s hideout.

The AoW Dwarf Lord of Chaos looks so cool - really nice paitjob and conversion. And you colour scheme is very close to the way I’ve planed to do with it (still waiting for mine to show up, though) - and he looks outstanding on that shield.

The two Reaper Heroes are nice - and thanks for showing them next to the GW shieldbearers. I’ll certainly buy Ivan now, after seeing that he is just perfect in scale with the GWs. I really love those dwarfs Werner Klocke made for Reaper’s. Still find Freja a bit to big. Do you know if Kera Foehunter and Margara is as big as well. Would really like to add some female character to my army.


Do you know if Kera Foehunter and Margara is as big as well. Would really like to add some female character to my army.

No I don´t know the scale of Kera and Margara. But I want to order Margara and some other dwarf from Reaper in the next days (when my PayPal Account is upload) after that I can tell it to you!

I also think that Freja is a bit too huge ...


Kera foehunter:

wow like the worm centaurs they are cool i like your figures and you did a great paint job too!!

@ clam i love to be in your army * hug * i made the same mistake its Kara Foehunter ( from reaper)
Kera is me!!