[Archive] The monsterican dream (pic heavy)


Hi everybody!

Waiting to get some CD model to paint, I hope you’ll not mind if I post some of my models.

I’ve been collecting mostly Beasts and Warriors of Chaos, but in the years I painted also Space Marines, Tau, Orks, Gobbos, and so on.

I’m preparing stuff for the italian Golden Demon, which will take place in next october… let’s hope I can get something :smiley:

I’m not exactly a speed painter, mostly due to my studies, but hopefully I’m grading as a veterinary surgeon in next march/may, so maybe things will change. Maybe.

Any comment and/or criticism is welcome, if constructive and polite of course :wink:



Here are some ungors from my beast army. I painted them in a pinky fleshtone, because I wanted to underline their similarity to humans… they’re close to us, like a dark side.


This one is a Ogre bull, that I use as Chaos ogre both in my Beasts and Warriors armies. I’m quite satisfied with the skin tone, with the rusted metals and especially with the wood grain (hope is showing)… but I’ve to better my white :~

It’s such a tricky colour…


Nice paint jobs man. Can’t wait to see more.


Nice paint jobs man. Can't wait to see more.

Thanks, I'll upload something more when I got the time :)

Kera foehunter:

nice beasty i use mine to make a bull centaur

love the ogre!! nice pance

the rust on his bellie plate looks good


Thank you :slight_smile:

Here’s my Shaggoth, I painted it long time ago (somewhere around 2003-2004)… I plan to repaint it some day, I think I could do better some parts, like the skin or the fur. But the overall is still nice for a tabletop piece :slight_smile:


Great paint jobs on all of the models Kawazu, am looking forward to seeing some CDs soon :slight_smile:


Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Is it just me who’s disappointed there isn’t a naked Ogre covered in rose petals?

I thought so…


Is it just me who's disappointed there isn't a naked Ogre covered in rose petals?

I thought so...



Very nice shaggoth.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

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Father Grumpmas:

Nice job on everything - particularly like the striped pants on the ogre.


Nice job on everything - particularly like the striped pants on the ogre.

Father Grumpmas
Thanks :)
Do you? That's funny... I mean, when I show this mini to people, striped pants is the most common compliment I receive. I had so much fun with that wooden grain on the barrell (which I think turned out really good, and imo is the true highlight of the model :D)... I always wonder why people doesn't notice it :)
Still, thank you so much!


Stripey pants on Ogres is very classic GW.I like them, it really adds an extra dimension to the model.


Stripey pants on Ogres is very classic GW.I like them, it really adds an extra dimension to the model.

Thank you, you're very kind :)
I've to seriously improve my white though...

Da Crusha:

I really like the pants too. especially the gray shading of the white, those are some really well done pants. the barrel on the other hand I think is completely over shadowed by those pants. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thank you very much :smiley:

Father Grumpmas:

Nice job on everything - particularly like the striped pants on the ogre.

Father Grumpmas
Thanks :)
Do you? That's funny... I mean, when I show this mini to people, striped pants is the most common compliment I receive. I had so much fun with that wooden grain on the barrell (which I think turned out really good, and imo is the true highlight of the model :D)... I always wonder why people doesn't notice it :)
Still, thank you so much!

I must add what a couple of other posts have said - it's the white that particularly took me fancy - very well done - it always gives me endless problems :(