[Archive] The_Penguin's "Chaos" Dwarfs


Thank you for your kind comments, gents! :cheers

One quick question: currently I am working on an organ gun modification for our dawn-zharr. Do I get it right that the artillery crew usually wear cone hats, rather than the usual ones that are larger at the top? I’m judging by their Forgeworld models. Just to make sure that I stay in the CD style. :slight_smile:

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :hat off


Artillery crew wear all manner of hats. The old Death Rocket models had rocket-shaped hats. One Dreadquake Mortar crewmember have a standard big hat, the other FW models are hatless, or have cone hats in the case of the artillery officers

In the end, sculpt what you feel like. Still, one cone hat on the leading crewmember would be cool to see. :slight_smile:


One quick question: currently I am working on an organ gun modification for our dawn-zharr. Do I get it right that the artillery crew usually wear cone hats, rather than the usual ones that are larger at the top?

Nope. The old earthshaker crew wear regular big hats iirc, and the old death rocket crew had tall bullet shaped cylinder hats with hinged masks attached.


Thank you, guys! ) :cheers

I suppose I’ll make the cone one for the main engineer. I’ll have to see if it turns out ok, and if I like the look of it, use on other two models.

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :hat off


I just love that forum, you always get a nice, quick and professional answer! :slight_smile:


My dear fellow Dawi Zharr. :hat off

It gives me grear pleasure to present my long-ago-promissed update. This time it is a big one and I really hope you’ll like it. :slight_smile:

Any comments, please? ) :slight_smile:

Good day, ladies and gentlemen. ) :hat off


Love your work. Hit’s all the right notes for me. The eggman inspired character is probably my favorite so far.

Love the paterns on the hats too.


Looks really great. The models are so cool, color scheme is very nice with a great paint job!! Have to say that the flamethrower is one of my fave :wink:


Awesome conversions! :hat off

The Flamethrower is my personal favourite! :cheers

Please more stuff! :wink:



Great update, it had a lot of content!

I too recognize that Russian streak in your conversions. It’s a good streak, since the old big hat models originally made me think of Muscovites before they made me think of Mesopotamians. It must have been the onion-dome hats and weapons of the blunderbuss warriors. :wink:

The colour scheme works well and will look neat over a whole collection. Nice blunderbuss organ gun and crew! Also, nice Eggman engineer character and flamethrower. The flames and smoking smoke stack are fine touches.

Besides, where did you get those new shields from? They have good detail. Now… more! :wink:


And after a pretty long abscence, I present to you, ladies and gentlemen, some WIP CD terrain! :smiley:

Generally I do not post any WIP projects, but since I need quite a bit of advice I decided to break the rule. So, let us start:

Commoner’s House

(CD in The_Penguin’s realm live a relatively prosperous life. His land is mostly fueled by income from slave trade (and only the best of the best are sold here!), so even the lower classes of free dwarfs can afford a decent dwelling. This house belonds to a worker and his family. They do not sell slaves, nor can afford them, so it is a typical lower class house: not very lavishly designed, but sturdy and is built to be a small fortress of its own should somebody deside to threaten the land of his lord.)

Merchant’s House

(Now, this is a bit a different story. This house belongs to a well-off merchant of many specialities: slaves, food, weapons, tools, etc. His house is much bigger and is decorated according to the latest local fashion. The upper levels is not a storage like in commoner houses, but are terraces to have some rest or have a good vantage point or to publicly humiliate faulty slaves. This house much less resembles a fortress, but one should not underestimate its sturdiness and durability.)

I hope you liked them, ladies and gents! :cheers

Now for advice: I am a bit on the crossroad here…

1) Should I make the interior, or focus on more buildings instead. How should I make windows? Leave them open (historically accurate), or make it have glass, or wood.

2) What colours am I to use? I am drifting towards reddish brown or dark tan for the wals and red, blue, black and white for decorations.

3) What else should I do/add?

All your comments and suggestions are very welcome, as usual! :slight_smile:

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :hat off


Looking really cool so far. I like that they are buillt as defensible positions also, makes sense in case of a slave riot :D.

What i think would go well with them are more typical dawi zharr stuff. Maybe some big braziers, manacles bolted to the walls at some places and for the merchants place some banner or icon signifying his clan or something like that.


Woha, looks great so far!


Making an interiour would make it advantageous to have open or glass windows, allowing viewers to spot bits of the detailed interior inside. Of course, you would not need much interior to add a little flair, though it could be possible to both go for carpets, household idol altar, cooking place, sleeping mats and storage jars.

Given the quality of your houses, a little details both inside and outside are deserved. The buildings shouldn’t look bland beside your detailed miniatures, but rather should complement them and improve the overall impression of the settlement.

That’s a good colour recipe. Try it out on the small house!

How about adding a well somewhere? At any rate, you’re off to such a good start that I’ll not toss too many ideas at you here, but rather rest back and watch the good stuff unfold here on scene.

Well done so far! :hat off

Timothy Archer:

love the historical background in your army

lots of creativity here , the cd " maitre queux " are absolutely cool

small question , what do you use to make those rich hats of yours ??

Goltor Lintrepide:

It’s always nice to see other interpretations of the Chaos Dwarf style. I really like the one you’re developping and I’m glad to see such enthusiasm in the writing of your personal pieces of lore.

Keep up the good work! :hat off


very nice so far.  It is made of foamboard isn’t it?.  
My only dislike is the thinness of crennelations and columns ( a personal taste from my own WiP fortress).  possibly another layer of the foamboard on those bits and they would appear stronger
You could have a slaves flayed skin (see “Admirals” tutorial) stretched across the windows.
And maybe as a detail a couple of solid bars across the windows to suggest defensibility


Very good designs!

I would focus on the exterior. Youve got two buildings now. I would probably try to finish them until I began some new things. <br>Plasticard could strengthen the walls and can be used to add some more details on the walls. <br>If you didnt fix the buildings to the base already: I would do the base and the building modular so that you can easily put some models in.

My choice would be open windows.


these buildings look great so far!


Thank you for your comments and suggestions, guys! :cheers

Yes, actually the buldings can be combined with each other and the interior is perfectly accesible, so I suppose, adding a bit will be nice.

As you have noticed I’m drifting a bit from a classical cd style. I’m making more of a babylonian-accurate realm. So one can hardly see molten lava or blood or extreme brutality all over the place. The idea behind my realm is the sin of power and lust.

So generally I want to achieve an image of a very rich, spoiled, corrupted, luxurious life, but with intrigues, lust and dirty money making all over it. Kind of a rotting, degrading society where the rich feed of the poor and enslaved.

I guess the cd land is big enough to host such a place! :~

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! :hat off

Fuggit Khan:

Beautiful buildings! Impressive :cheers

You should of entered them in the last Artisans Contest :hat off