[Archive] The_Penguin's "Chaos" Dwarfs


There’s certainly space for such a place in the vast Chaos Dwarf realm. Good theme, too! It’s appropriate given the “harlot of Babylon” reputation of our historical basis. Looking forward to updates! :cheers

Here’s a story piece inspired by your Chaos Dwarfs and their background.


And now it is time for another update. Interior this time! :cheers

I just love making interior pieces, since they bring a lot of “life” to my collection. This time I went for a classical babylonian-themed furniture and assesories.

You can actually learn a lot about the master of the house. For example, who his favourite author is! :wink:

(Note the small house altar at the right bottom corner.)

(Note the iron and a colored lamp on the upper shelf.)

(Note the vase to the right. the orient kettle to the left near the bookcase and various assesories on the desk.)

(Note the bird/hobgoblin cage to the right and the bed to the left.)

I hope you liked it. Any comments, please? ) :slight_smile:

Good day, ladies ang gentlemen! ) :hat off


Wow, that’s absolutely ingenious! Bookshelves, stepped desktop and all the very characterful Oriental carpets and pieces of house are. Very impressive! Where did you find the cage, kettle and so on? Those details bring it all to life wondrously. Never have a Chaos Dwarf’s home been made so alive before. And that wall painting is a great surprise. :wink: Thanks! Where did you find the frame?

Looking forward to see it all installed in a finished house! The effort put into making the interiror was well spent. For some future house, perhaps baskets with peas or lentils, loaves of bread, rope and a whip lying around could be added? Or at least stored on the roof. One could even add a washline somewhere in town, perhaps with blood stains in some clothes. And, had you been into the grimdark aspect, one could also have proposed war trophies and skulls hanging around. Yet perhaps shackles or leg irons to keep slaves in place could be added in the larger households? And ny plans for making a workshop somewhere?

It’s all luxurious and ostentatious. Very fitting for Dawi Zharr, and certainly Babylonian. This is like a Warhammer doll house, only way, way cooler. :cheers


What pray tell is an “Iron” doing in the masters room? That is slaves gear.

Nicely done. Are you using small beads?


Thanks a lot, guys! I really appreciate it! :smiley:

Where did you find the cage, kettle and so on?

Where did you find the frame?

For some future house, perhaps baskets with peas or lentils, loaves of bread, rope and a whip lying around could be added?

Yet perhaps shackles or leg irons to keep slaves in place could be added in the larger households? And ny plans for making a workshop somewhere?

These things have been lying around for ages, actually. I can’t really recall where I got them from, but I guess it’s some miniatures shop here, in Moscow.

Yep, chains, whips, shackles and everything that nice will be definitely added.

I’m a bit on a halt with painting the exterior of the houses for a certain reason, so I’ll be focusing mostly on interior bits now. :cheers
What pray tell is an “Iron” doing in the masters room?

Are you using small beads?

That interior was designed for a commoner’s house ( the one I showed above), so he doesn’t have slaves on his own. So hence a relatively poor house. ) :slight_smile:

Yes, the vase and the I know are beads indeed. Good eye! :cheers

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! :hat off


Time for another update, ladies and gents! ) :smiley:

This time it’s a nobledwarf’s palanquin.

(Note the bighat that is actually too tall for the palanquin. The slaves had to make a hole in the roof so that everybody can see how impotant and respectful their master is! :P)

(Note the slave orc who is whipping the slave hobgoblins. You can also see two armed hobgoblins ready to shoot any of their fellows in case of insubordination, as well as anyone who would dare not to make way for their master.)

(Note the strong hobgoblin, who’s holding both poles on his own. I wonder if it is punishment, stupidity, need to prove himself, or just masochism?)

(Note the fat and lazy nobledwarf and his slaves. I just loved working on that small vignette! :D)

Any comments, please? ) :smiley:

Good day, laadies and gentleman! ) :hat off


Hahaha! That is awesome in so many ways. Great use of the 40k Grot slave kit. All the red and bronze colours give it a peculiarly Chaos Dwarfen decadent style. The whole piece oozes character, and the strong goblin sure adds to it! And that hat hole in the roof is hilarious! Great idea. :smiley:

It’s pieces like this that really bring the weird Dawi Zharr world to life, showing how dependent they are upon slaves to do their bidding. Great though GW’s and FW’s miniature ranges of CDs have been through the years, they don’t truly show the teeming slave masses. This palanquin piece do, with both carriers, armed guards and Orc overseer. Is the persian carpet pattern printed on paper, or bought somewhere?

You’ve become the uncrowned king of Chaos Dwarf vignettes. And speaking of crowns, where on earth did you find the big hats you use for your Chaos Dwarfs?


First chuckle of the day. Nicely done.

Fuggit Khan:

That’s wonderful! I love it!
As Admiral pointed out, the colors are perfect…they really give the impression of wealth, status and and pompous decadence. And what better way to flaunt your wealth than with slaves carrying you about in public to showcase your Big Hat to your minions :hat off


Thank you, guys! :cheers

I am glad that you like my decadent CD style. Brimming with wealth and degradation my cd society is and first signs of collapse are already here. But who cares as long as you have gold and slaves? :~

As for bighats, I find them in my local knitting store, not really sure what they’re supposed to be used for…

And now it is time for another update!

If I am going to build a cd town, I definitely need to have some citizens in it, so here they are:

(Note the babylonian style clothes as well as the flower pots. :))

(Nothe the babylonian beards with gold decorations: something very typical for my cd minifigures. All of them are made from ordinary warriors, but look how stylish and posh they look with those walking canes!)

(Note the different styles and shapes of the hats.)

(Perhaps one of my most favourite custom minifigures. A travelling trader with a mule train. Love that figure! :))

(Note the different goods they are carrying. Especially the pig! :cheers)

(Obviously, he’s a rather wealthy trader!)

(Local brothel owner, Madame Herlotta. It was some fun working on that figure!)

(Note the gold decorations and some more flower pots!)

General shot of the new minifigures:

Any comments, please? :cheers

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :hat off


Wow! That’s fantastic in every way. They must be the first civilian Chaos Dwarf miniatures I’ve ever seen made, and you’ve placed the benchmark high for those wanting to tread in your footsteps (would include me). The Babylonian clothes, the beards, the hats, the walking canes… Beautiful, and the same goes for the fully loaded pack mules and the brothel owner (reminds one of this background).

It’s so crazily opulent, and the rich flower pots only add to that. Well done, maestro! :hat off

Besides, judging by the artillery shell hat I suspect that one of the civilians is a Death Rocket crewman in his military profession. Those hats are from a knitting store!? It might be time to traverse uncharted ground in search of big hat material, then…

Impressive and convincing civilians! Looking forward to updates.


Amazing! Absolutely fantastic miniatures! I really like your style.


Thanks, guys! :cheers

Something I (almost) accidentally threw together today and, what do you know, it looked like a nice little wip garden scene!

Looks like an unfinished game level design to me! :slight_smile:

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :hat off


This gets better and better… Bloody marvellous, and outstanding use of detailed trinket bits! Were all those metal details found in knitting stores?


This gets better and better... Bloody marvellous, and outstanding use of detailed trinket bits! Were all those metal details found in knitting stores?

Thanks a lot! Ohh, and now I have enough slave workers to build more! To work, you green bastards! :hat

No, those were ordered from eBay quite some time ago. I should really visit this store again some time soon and ask about those things for you, Admiral. I am sure they can be found in other countries. )

Glad you're enjoying my (quite slow) progress. ) :cheers

Good day, ladies and gentlemen! ) :hat off

Fuggit Khan:

Really cool stuff here…really fleshes out the whole Dawi Zharr world to see day to day life in models such as these. Original and thought provoking models to be sure…well done :hat off