[Archive] The Red Queen's Wardens: Update - Artisans XXIV Golem


LOVE that Dragon Cannon ( I would like to do similar but would be a little apprehensive of messing up a Forge World cannon)...

I love it when people use minis from different ranges and make them into their own vision of THEIR fantasy world.

Pappa Midnight
Appreciate the comments very much!  The Dragon was alot of fun to build.  I've said it before, conversion and scratch building are my favorite parts of the hobby.  It's why I have so many chopped up partially modified, and completely unpainted models sitting around.

Combining model ranges is something that I really embrace.  Once I got out of the "you must have all models from the same manufacturer in order to play this game" mode, I really found I had a lot more fun finding models that I really like and mixing them into an army.  Styles notwithstanding, there is a lot that can be done with basing and paint scheme to make very different models go well together.

Below is a WIP update on the Berserkers.  An individual model... nearing completion, but still some work to do on highlights, and details (ie. hair, teeth, tongue, claws, and tail pattern... ).  Hopefully I have maintained the glow that everyone liked so much.  The models have a bit more yellow in the oranges than I normally use, which alters the rest of the coloration.  Hoping they still fit well with the rest of the army, though my goal all along has been to bring in more yellow (subtle nod to the old school primary colors of the original GW Chaos Dwarfs scheme).  The coloration on the cloak doesn't look right to me yet.  Will probably come back in with some gradation to purple to blue, or due some freehand detail.  Not really sure yet.  Suggestions?

Sorry for the blurry shots.

Let me know your thoughts.  Cheers! JR


I really like your glowing colours. Especially the orange.

Great work!! :hat off


That warm glow and those patterns in the blue backscales is a beautiful combination. The cloak do indeed seem bland compared to the rest of the model. Washing in a touch of purple in recesses could work, or even green due to how that colour complements red.


The inner glow effect is definitly still there! As is the “OMG what is that thing!?” effect that is all over these miniatures. Can’t wait to see the final paint scheme.

Have you considering making a molten butterfly hero to lead these guys?


They look really chaotic. Good paint job on this Rackham miniatures. They have a real special appearance, I like them a lot :cheers


Very nighmarish! Good work.

Pappa Midnight:

Oh what a cute little caterpillar… What the *%$@!!!

Excellent mini with an equally excellent paint job. Those Mid-Nor dwarfs certainly are some of the weirdest I have ever seen.

With regards to the cloak I agree it may be a little plain but if you over-work it it may make the mini a little “busy” and detract away from the rest of the figure. Thoughts I have are: Small random runes , a trim around the edge of the cloak ( patterned) or if you want to keep the bug feel some “mock” eyes which you get on some butterflies/caterpillars.




Looks great! Positively evil, and the yellow-brown tan on the face reinforces the eastern vibe the model has. Nice work!


Thanks very much gentlemen! I’m glad the scheme fits the models, these were tricky to figure out how I was going to paint them. I didn’t want to go anywhere near the nurglish colors that are normally used. Now to finish the rest of the unit in this scheme…

I think after this I’m going to take a short break from painting and do some more model building/conversion work. Here’s my vote for an Artisans contest next… have a great idea or two for some large and fun scratch-build projects (not that the theme would necessarily be anywhere near them…:P).

Have you considering making a molten butterfly hero to lead these guys?

:hat off :wink: I can honestly say that never even remotely occurred to me. Rather amusing though… Not sure how or with what models I would pull that off… will have to think on it…
Oh what a cute little caterpillar… What the *%$@!!!..

…Thoughts I have are: Small random runes , a trim around the edge of the cloak ( patterned) or if you want to keep the bug feel some “mock” eyes which you get on some butterflies/caterpillars.

Pappa Midnight
You’re opening comment completely cracked me up. Have to say… I like the idea of “mock” eyes… :cheers I’m leaning towards a combination of that and Admiral’s suggestion of some purple or green in the recesses.


Pappa Midnight:

Just a thought about Carcearion’s suggestion for a butterfly: what about a GW Fyreslayer with a bare head ( there are a few different places that sell just parts so it shouldn’t be too difficult to pick one up. The more dinamic the pose the better) with antennae added and some butterfly wings?

I know Reaper do a set of wings

Reaper Miniatures




I love those models, and you have done them justice. Very nicely done.


The Lammasu finishes of the army very nice although the gang of grub dudes are great and I agree totally on the molten butterfly!

I really like the touches of purple that just add that flick of more color, very nice. Not to mention the glow effect you have done across the models looks great, top notch.


Thanks for the additional comments!  I am making slow progress and hope to get more shots up later this week.

The ‘Molten Butterfly’ idea suggested by Carcearion is a hit given how many of you are a fan of the concept.  While I am not certain I will be giving it light in exactly the way it was proposed, it has lit some great inspiration for two unit fill conversion ideas based in part on the original suggestion (both quite different from each other).  I will only use one, so I will mock conversions for both of them up and then post here to see which works better.  The second will go in a second berserker unit later.

Timothy Archer:

those are really great minis , and your paint scheme/job is perfect i have them too and im really happy to see you giving life to them

Bravo !


Just a quick nod the new updated blog for Chicago Skirmish Wargames (my local gaming group).  I just posted a blog summary of my current work on the Wardens.

You can read the summary army post here on the Chicago Skirmish Wargames (CSW) blog:

Feel free to peruse the blog, there’s a ton of great conversions, modelling, skirmish reports and a few mass battle reports on CSW.  There is also a brief nod in my post back to this full detailed blog here on CDO.  Cheers,  JR


Below are some photos of my Golden Hat XXVI entry.  

The concept is a Great Winged Bale Taurus done as a mechanical steam\K’daai monstrosity.  The model is essentially a Winged Mechanical Bull with a Cannon for a maw, and the rider sitting in a control panel throne on the machine’s back.  Have had this in my head since the first time I saw the Maulerfiend model.

I haven’t fully decided if the rider will be the actual ‘Red Queen’ yet, but the mount is surely a suitable model for such a character.  She’s Admiral’s lovely priestess sculpt inspired by my sketch. I did a slight arm conversion to make her reaching for the control lever on the throne (and ensure she fit onto the model).  I originally used the other hat, but it didn’t flow with the overall model so I swapped them.  Much happier with the result.  [/u]The char is magnetized so I can swap out the rider and put her on a normal base.

Wasn’t sure I was going to get this one completed and reality is I only had it about 85% done for the contest entry.  Top that off with some rather blurrified photos and I was less than completely happy with the final result.  Photos for this monster have proven difficult.  I think that the scale makes me have to zoom far enough out that my camera doesn’t focus properly on the model.

That stated, post contest, I have completed the outstanding 15% of the painting, adding a few additional layers of color, and some verdigris.  Still a bit of touch up, but I am content with the current state.

A few WIP shots of the build:

I started with the Hell Cannon Maw unconverted, but later replaced the horns.  You can see the telescope on the back which is a detail I later removed as it really didn’t fit with the rest of the model:

The final model is made from parts of a 40K Maulerfiend (used in all sorts of ways including an upside down body and completely revised armor panels), a Wyrd Arcane Emissary (stacks, armor plates, and flame bits; was going to the head originally, but when I got it, I was disapointed to find the model was way to small scale compared to the fiend.  The rest will show up in other conversions), the wings of a clockwork dragon, bits from a Maelstroms Edge model, dreamforge accessory bits, hydraulic bits from lego bionicle, plasticard, cork, and a threaded rod:

And the final painted model:

You can see the control levers on the throne surrounding the rider.  Her arm is just behind one as if she is reaching back to pull the lever:

And the next several are shots from different angles:

Still a few paint touch ups and I need to add something to complete the hole in the side… even if it’s just more flames coming out (I ran out of flame bits, so I’ll have to sculpt some or chop up some more bones models).  Was originally going to put the wings there, but the position was too far back on the model:

And finally a shot of the control panel throne without the rider:

Hope you enjoy.  It was a fun model to build and I’m glad found the time to complete it because so many other entries had so much time and detail into them… Wow, what a contest!  

Cheers, JR


Great conversion! The hellcannon maw head, throat pistons and control levers make it all stand out in the close-up photos. Perhaps the tail end could have been replaced with something less 40k-ish, but overall a striking conversion. I hope to see clearer pictures of it in the future sometime, along with the rest of your army.


I really loved this conversion, and as a adorer or Demonic War-Engines (the Warhammer 40k Defiler is what got me into table top war gaming) this was really up my alley.

This model is worthy of recognition medal or not, really- really great job on this one :cheers

Pappa Midnight:

Well you got my vote for GH even if it wasn’t quite finished. Brilliant conversion! I really love the concept, your choice of parts and the finished model.

This is exactly the sort of project I had in mind myself to create a K’daai and I may borrow a few ideas if that’s OK. The close-up shots are much appreciated.




I really like your entry.

Especially the wings are awesome! :hat off

Btw. you got my vote! :wink:
