[Archive] The Slaughterers (my new blog)


Awesome work Grim, and would be perfect as elite warriors in most masked Chaos Dwarf army.

The scals are good - but what really takes my breath away are the detail masks. Excellent :hat off

Hope you at least make a few for yourself - and paint them. To good to being hidden just because of up coming WF ones, IMO.


those masks truly are very well done and the scales are impressive. really does inspire me (us) to try to do more.


Those are just plain awesome!


Cheers guys.

Last night was reading through the story I’ve been writing, the one that I planned to be the basis behind my army.  It still looks very inspirational and I’m sure I could work all the WF models into the plot.

So what I’m thinking I will do is write a bit more of the story and then redo the long army book pdf I’ve done as a story of my army, with a couple of pages back story for each unit, character and war machine.  Meaning so far I have the following characters to build/convert:

Mardak the Slaughterer (the model is my avatar <------------- but it needs modernising)

Ritual Master Zain Zharr.  This guy is a high sorcerer but completely crazy and a living statue, flames for eyes.  He’s already turned to stone but has not died.

Mordrak (hero) Mardak’s brother.  He’s a torturer and wants to kill Mardak.

Drakan Skullbringersson.  Battle Standard bearer who is forever chained to it.

Arkkaz Zhargon.  Master engineer with mechanical body and hammer for arm.

Baltar Deathfist.  The second sorcerer.  The most intriguing of all the characters as this guy is secretly possessed, brought about a daemonic incursion inside my army’s hold and made the whole army insane…

In my story the whole army has now gone a bit insane, but considering that is very hard to portray in models I think I’ll skip that part.

Also, I’ve bought some of the Avatars of war slayers to turn into a unit of mutant CD berserkers (mutant as in they have lumps of metal coming out of their skin).

Other characters:

Zhatan the Black, who in my fluff is basically an uber berserker in chaos armour who phases in and out of reality.

Zul-Kharnam the Divine One.  A BC hero with a hunting spear.

Amlal Forgebreaker.  An anti-chaos Chaos Dwarf (who even they hate).  Hero with 2 hammers and chaos armour.

Rakazzu Ishtarsson.  The only sanctioned executioner in the CD empire.  This guy is supposed to be terrifying and has (effectively) a psychic power to scare people to death.  He would need a special unit to be made as well (the Tormentors), basically ironbreakers with halberds that cause fear.

Astragoth I’ve already made.

Thommy H:

The Warriors are really nice sculpts. Why aren’t you casting and selling them again? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Waste Rider:

Certainly, highly impressive sculpting :mask helms look great!

This looks to be the making of a really awesome army, supreme example of what CDs have become since big hats.

Your Zhatan the Black sounds like a downright nasty mutha’… I’ll keep an eye out for his representation in miniature :smiley:



I could ask around to see if anyone wanted to sell them I guess. I doubt they would though. It would save me a lot of work…

@Waste Rider

The story I wrote is here, though I’ll need to expand on that a bit.

Incidently, I’ve just been writing some bits for the final chapter of my army.

Long story short an advance element of Tamurkhan’s army will save my army from certain destruction by the daemonic incursion. Thereby securing their help until the debt is paid off.

A convenient way to incorporate all the Tamurkhan fluff and models whilst still keeping my CD army as fiercely independent and not slaves of nurgle. :slight_smile:

An interesting fluff twist will be that the Tamurkhan’s unnamed messenger would know Baltar caused the daemonic incursion in the first place.


Great sculpts :hat off

Really looks like professional, as good as minis from WH, masks are even better :slight_smile:

me wanna 30 of this fellas :cheers 

 (depends on price of course :wink: )


The masks are better because the WF ones don’t have any!

I did plan to cut down Dark Eldar heads to use as the front part, but seeing as I’m pretty happy with the designs I’ve got I think I’ll stick to sculpting them on any WF models I buy.

I may consider selling some at some point, but seeing as they’re not even finished yet I won’t rush into it.  If I do sell some though it will only be as and when models are ready (I wouldn’t take orders).

I’ve been reworking my story as I mentioned above.  I’ve attached a test version of a few pages.  The first two chapters are more or less done.  Not sure yet if I will add more flavour text to the character boxes there or do it in a second box later.

Instead of resculpting parts of the Mardak model I may sculpt a new one to represent him after the fall of the fortress.  Incidently if anyone wanted to design him I plan for his armour to have a vaguely similar look to the big tyranid shown here.  Very organic looking.

I plan to write some fluff for every warmachine, character and unit in the army.  Naming the champion and possibly standard bearer and musician.

EDIT.  Just pm’d Troll Forged minis and they would be happy to sell them (one way or another).  So I’ll do maybe another 2, 5 x hand weapons and 5 x shield arms (shield attached).  Ones with GW or missile weapons I think I’d like to do as single piece models if possible.


Update time.

First up is another chaos dwarf, I borrowed inspiration from a couple of the others for his mask so they at least look a bit similar.  I have another one nearly done as well.  He needs some sharpening up here and there and I think I’ll redo the teeth on the skulls, and sculpt the other foot.

Next up is a WIP shot of my updated version of Mardak the Slaughterer.

There is still a great deal left to do in terms of tiny cleaning up and detail sculpting, but mostly the bulk of it is done, just the cloak and axe left to do.

I’d like to hear thoughts on the horns as well.  Keep or get rid?  I could bend them down and forwards.

Overall I’m really pleased with this.  The concept changed a bit from my initial sketch (which I will save for another of my characters), but I’m probably going to class this amongst my top 3 best sculpts to date.  Mostly  because of the way it’s been designed but also because the sculpting will be pretty crisp by the time he’s finished.

Waste Rider:

Oh man this is fantastic :smiley: the face part has a lot of character and sort of an Oni mask vibe which I dig. I’d say keep the horns for sure,

real long upward swept bull horns with anguished faces or skulls styled as if done in scrimshaw.


When I designed the lower part of the mask it was supposed to look like this (Predator masks are always somewhere I look for inspiration), but I felt the head was fairly wide and the blades would not work.  So I turned them into a flaming pattern instead.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Looking damned fine and awesome as I’ve come to expect. With the horns, I would say do both. Have them go up and curve as they are, but then they direct forwards (as on many horned animals).


Any chance you might produce them? They look awesome! :wink:


Looks awesome, love the mask on the lord! I come to think of Samuarais…


Looks nice indeed, but can’t say that I agree with your decision letting the single piece cast dictate the pose. Yes, for common troopers price is an issue, but let’s face it. Your customers would probably only buy a single one here, so wouldn’t bother paying another pound or two for a more dynamic pose. So give him a stretched out arm, please. He could then hold the head (not to my liking, though) or a hand weapon or a pointy finger or …! Will certainly make him even more prominent.

And I also think you should reconsider having the warriors made commercial available. They are some of my favourites.

Any chance you might give us a scale shot of them, next to a BfSP or something like that. Wonder how they would look next to John’s (Baggronor).

Another minor thing. Horns on the helmet. Any chance you would go for more bull liked once? Would look better imo - but hey, that’s probably a conversion I could figure out doing :slight_smile:


An updated shot


It was more an issue of laziness.  I sculpted the arms, then did the beard and head before changing my mind on the pose.  At that point I could have sculpted new arms, but I was lazy.  Having now fixed the pose I realised it would be a one piece model and refined the position of the axe to make this happen.

When you say bull like you mean forwards? Or forwards then up at the tip? Or curving forwards and down at the tip (as I think HB i saying).?

I need to come up with a new design for the axe blade now.  I tried sculpting what I thought would work, but it looked too blunt at the edge.

A scale shot.

He eye level is about 1mm shorter than the slaughterer, but exactly the same height as the Hellsmith.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Yeah, I was saying to have it go vertical, then the tip is horizontal and forwards. Imagine he is facing the right of the screen and the shape would be like the letter r :wink:


Looks nice mate, you really are good with green stuff. Wish I could make such smooth and clean surfaces with that stuff!

Keep them coming ^^


Wicked looking stuff! Love the predator inspired helm! Can’t wait to see him painted up!