[Archive] The variety of collecting


Because even I realize that 2 Earthshakers is pure cheese. Their whole quake deal is great, but feedback from pretty much everyone I’ve asked states that 2 'shakers in 2,000 points is going too far. Instead I took a unit of 10 armoured wolf riders, which’ll be interesting to use. I’ve only ever played Vampire Counts before in the previous rules, and I never took Dire Wolves, so I’ve never used fast cavalry. New experiences and what not then.

The overall plan for the army is essentially a gunline with Chaos Dwarf units to hold and anchor enemies as Hobgoblins get flank charges. I may try Bull centaurs in time, should I get round to my planned conversions for them…


Yeah! Chaos dwarf and hobgoblin models coming all those CSM where making my Eldar demand equal rites.Nearly persuaded my to veer away fromm my snailpaced painted 2000pts of CD:hashut Dont do it again!

Great CSM army, Shows a strong theme can be painted with a bit of dedication,youll be after Willmarks award for industriousness on the CD no doubt;)

Hashut’s Blessing:

You’ve piqued my interest with your BC conversion comment. How did you plan them? To be honest, personally, I find 8 BTs as cheesey, if not more so, than 2 ESs. Just the amount that each works really and their relative points costs.


Stating how I plan to make any Bull Centaurs would ruin the surprise.


Verbal update -

39 Hobgoblins have their hoods and will be primed and hopefully mostly painted tomorrow.

8 Bolt Thrower bases are nearly done, and should be constructed tomorrow.

10 Wolf Riders are being assembled, and bases, wolves and rider legs should be done tomorrow.

38 Hobgoblins will be getting heads tomorrow.

Tomorrow there’ll be pictures of everything in progress, regardless if it’s finished or not, but those will all be in a new army blog thread, since it’ll only be about Chaos dwarfs. Also, expect to see a Daemon Princess made for my girlfriend here later…


Right, update time. I didn’t get as much done today as hoped, but meh, I did play a 2,000 point 40k game and a 1,500 point 40k game and had fun (wiping out my opponents for minimal losses each time, heh).

At any rate I’ve also made a Daemon Princess of Slaanesh for my girlfriend, as a trade for the Games Day Space Marine. I’ll be painting it up when I get time, hopefully within the following month.

The Chaos Dwarf army now has its own thread in the army blogs section, so go check there for some Hobgoblin goodness.

Since the new Space Marine codex is coming I figured I’d get round to getting my loyalist army painted, so here’s a test scheme for Illuminas, the bringers of light. It needs edge highlighting and softer highlights on the insets on the shoulder pads, as well as details, but I’m fairly happy for it as a general guideline. Aside from the scheme I have the warcry “Light the darkness within!” as well as the Chapter being Salamanders successors, but that’s about it.

Till next update then.

Kera foehunter:

Nice figure!! i like to see that one painted looks like it be fun!!


ooooh, Geck. that’s really nice. I love the brass and green combo. so great.



I’ve had a good read through the latest Space Marine codex, and since I’ll be going for a Salamanders successor chapter, the Illuminas, I ended up spending 2 hours constructing my version of Vulkan Es’tan, a hard-as-nails marine with relic blade, heavy flamer gauntlet and 3+ invulnerable save robes:

I’m quite pleased with him so far - bronze/gold is finished, as is the white on his head. The green on the pads needs a few glazes and more highlighting to make the blending smoother, and the robes will be going green. Since purple goes with white, green and gold, that’s going to be the colour of the halberd blade. Still a way to go, but a nice distraction from painting Warhammer Hobgoblins at any rate…

Penitent Spectres updates probably won’t be around for awhile, but no doubt that single Attack Bike to do will be done by December. The poor Daemon Princess is still only primed, alas.

Till next update.

Thommy H:

The gold armour is very impressive. Very dark and rich. I’m a sucker for well-done metallics - much better than boring old NMM.

Ghrask Dragh:

Really nice work, I like the colour scheme very much and the subtle conversions are fantastic! :cheers

Kera foehunter:

it looks great!!! i like the bronze and green the white is perfict!!!

Hashut’s Blessing:

Looking very nice. I love the use of the dragon-head accessory as a flamer. Looks cool with the hand out of its mouth, but the first shot I couldn’t see it properly. I love the overall effect of the model. A flamer-hand, flowing robes, shiny metals, a long-bladed glaive pole-arm and the height afforded him by the book on his trophy rack thing. Excellent! I can’t wait to see him finished like your test model. Will the purple be inked onto a silver blade? I think pure purple might be a little too strong is all. Myabe do the same with the gauntlet sticking out of the dragon, but not the dragon itself…


Since I’m starting a German force for Secrets of the Third Reich (a ‘weird’ WWII game) I figured I’d start a log of my progress here. So far I have several figures basecoated and a lot more due to arrive in a day or two. As such I got cracking and painted the first Wolf Runner conversion (Warhammer Empire Flagellant head, procreate hair) as a test scheme. Unfortunately the flash killed the colours a bit as they’re slightly lighter in real life, but here he is anyway:

With luck the rest of the army will be quicker to paint as now I know which colours to use, as I’m a speed painter at heart.

As for other projects - no dice really. I’ve not got round to them, and now that I’m back at University most of them will be on the backburner for a while.


I wish I had enough time for SotTR…

Nice figure dude.


love the marines, how did you do the glowing eyes effect?


It’s been over a week already, blimey. Time certainly flies when not much is getting painted. The glowing eyes effect is fairly easy - just paint the eyes green, highlight up to a fair amount of yellow and white in the mix. Then paint the armour rims around the eye dark green and add more yellow to taste, making the highlight finer each time.

I finally, finally got around to finishing another 10 Terminators on the 14th this month (though have only just taken pictures of them) after pretty much sitting down and grinding through the damn painting without motivation. Ah well, it’s only speed painting. As such, another 420 points is completed -

That brings me up to around 7,488 points painted for my Chaos army. It’s highly unlikely I’ll paint the 10 Bikes and Lord on Bike, 3 Land Raiders, 5 Terminators, 2 Dreadnoughts, Nurgle Daemon Prince and stupid number of Marines remaining, simply as I have no motivation in any shape or form for painting this army anymore, which is why it’s been so long since an update for them.

I’ve also made a small amount of progress on my Vulkan conversion. I haven’t done much because I’ve gone through the Chaos Dwarfs, started Empire, and have Infinity factions and a Secrets of the Third Reich German army on my project list as well, so yet another Marine army hasn’t been overly high on my priorities. At any rate here he is (without flash on the left, showing the actual armour bronze/gold colours, and with flash on the right, showing the actual cloak colours though shaming the highlighting…) -

You never know, I may end up painting more Marines before the year is out…

Hashut’s Blessing:

Looking goiod so far, good to see some more Termies finished. Oher than being swamped by the number you’ve painted, what’slost you your motivation?


Well currently I just don’t seem to be getting any enjoyment from painting my own figures. I’ve actually started a comission involving painting a friend’s Dark Elf Blood Bowl team, and I’m enjoying that immensely thus far, so it just seems to be my stuff, go figure eh?

Hashut’s Blessing:

Good that you’re enjoying painting things still, even if it’s unfortunately not your own.