[Archive] The variety of collecting


Thanks Snyggejygge, I’m glad it’s been well received. The Chaos Dwarf ‘gap’ should, with luck, result in me being sick of sculpting and wanting to paint simple Marines once more, heh. With the promise of a new ‘Loyalist’ army on the horizon with the upcoming Codex release, such an incentive is sorely needed.

Today didn’t go quite as planned as the daemon Prince took me longer than expected to paint (2 and a half hours) so as such the 29 marines still need to be finished, which will happen tomorrow. On the plus side, I finished the Vindicator, 2 Rhinos, painted the hatch symbol on the previously blank Rhino and finished the Daemon Prince. That puts me at 5,858 points finished thus far, which is quite nifty.

Here’s a shot of my tanks thus far - the Whirlwinds can be used as additional Rhinos. After this lot, there’s only another sponson-less Predator and an uber-kitted out Rhino (Forge World goodness) as well as 3 Land Raiders to go to complete all my tanks, though these aren’t likely to be painted for a good long while. The Forge World super Rhino will be made and painted after Games Day, since I’ll be getting the parts for it then.

Here’s the Prince and a scale picture with the first to show its true Mini-Me aesthetic.

Tomorrow evening should herald a picture of 29 finished Marines and, time permitting, some finished Terminators. Till next update then.

Ghrask Dragh:

:o those Deamon princes look amazing, nice work all round!

Hashut’s Blessing:

Looking good. Well done for getting all that stuff painted. Is the top left rhino for the plague marines, by any chance? Good job on the mini-prince :smiley: Are you planning for the large prince to have the daemonic stature thing rule? (Bare in mind I have the older codex)


Cheers for the comments, as always. That top left Rhino is indeed for the Plague Marines. As for Daemonic Stature, that’s gone in the new codex, as are all the Daemonic Gifts since ‘Daemon Prince’ is now a different HQ choice to a Chaos Lord. I made the smaller one as overall it was more appealing (and quicker) to make than the other large guy who needs robes sculpted.

As for an update, alas, today I only managed to finish 20 of the 28 Marines, but the ones I did finish were those with the highest points cost, so huzzah and what not. Cue 7 Lascannons, 5 Heavy Bolters, 4 Autocannons, 2 Missile Launchers and 2 regular guys for a nice 735 points, boosting the total to 6,593 overall, more than double the 3k I pledged to paint in a year on the Bolter and Chainsword forum, heh. Rather nifty for under 2 months of painting. On Thursday I’ll (finally) complete the remaining 8 Marines and, with luck, 5 or so Terminators since they really need finishing…

Till next update then and, as always, comments appreciated.


Your champion before being turned into a daemonprince looks very good as well & it makes you appreciate the daemonprince even more because carrying over the looks so well.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Not a problem. I love to look at the progess (and swiftness) of this army! Also, if I can help with constructive criticism, I will :smiley:

As for that rhino, you’ve done a good job as I could tell :stuck_out_tongue: So, do Daemon princes just select normal equipment now or do they have a certain section for themselves in the armoury? However, I like that one is a smaller copy. It ties them together without being boring and they are still SLIGHTLY different anyhow…

Each time you say how many marines, you sdeem to drop one off :smiley: First it was 30 (one with banner), than 29 (I assume you left out the banner bearer) and now it’s 28, he he he. Still, it’s looking good to have got another 20 painted. They’re all to such a high quality as well, it’s unbelievable! I also love the fact it was 7 lascannons :smiley: As well as 11 other heavy weapons and what made it hilarious was the fact there are two “normal” guys as well :smiley: Got the quotiants wrong :smiley: Still, 735 points is impressive.

So, have you painted all 6,593 points in those two months? if so, you’ll have finished everything within that year, inclduing your Chaos Dwarfs! If you can finish 20 marines, I’m sure that 8 and 5 terminators shall be easy enough. Why not do 6 terminators? (One less later, plus it’s “20 models” according to land raiders :stuck_out_tongue: Keep consistent and what-not.) can’t wait for the next update…


Cheers guys. A newer codex lists each choice and the options available for it, so no need to keep flipping back to a wargear list, and no ambiguity as to what can be taken. As for the missing marine, that was merely a typo on my part, it was meant to be 29 instead of 30 the first time round, then 28 once the robed standard bearer was done. It’s nifty of you to say they’re high standard, but they really are quick tabletop quality. The odd character I both painting to a good standard puts the entire army to shame, heheh. Just as a minor point, the multitude of heavy weapons is correct, since with the 3 additional normal guys completed, combined with the 2 from last time, that allows 5 legal squads (20 heavy/special weapons) with only 3 heavy/special weapons left over. So all in all, I’m only a single regular guy and additional heavy weapon out from being perfectly correct, heh.

At any rate, according to plan I managed to finish the remaining 8 guys in the wip pile, as well as another 4 Terminators and a Terminator Lord, allowing me to field a happy unit of lightning claws, and boosting the amount done by 475 points to 7,068, and I still have an Attack Bike to paint before my pledge is finished.

I used the flash for the above images since my secondary lighting lamp needs a new bulb, but the pics give a good idea of what the figures look like anyway. Though I’ve made a start on a unit of 10 bikes and Lord on bike, they’ll probably only be undercoated (literally just) before I start work on the Chaos Dwarf army later today, so the marines will be put on hold for a while, most likely around a month.

Till next update again.


...they'll probably only be undercoated (literally just) before I start work on the Chaos Dwarf army later today, so the marines will be put on hold for a while, most likely around a month.

I think my work here is done.

:hat off

(Awesome stuff, dude!)


wow Geck, look at you go! those look great :slight_smile:

Hashut’s Blessing:

Ah, didn’t realise the CSM one included the new style :wink: I wondered if it was a typo :wink: However, they are off a higher standard than my avergae tabletop miniature and seem to be painted in larger batches than mine (I tire of painting FAR too quickly!). Sounds good to me!

Glad to hear you got to finish the remaining 8 and do 4 terminators and a lord (he can count as two terminators :wink: ). Not sure I understand why you need to do an attack bike for the pledge though?

The pictures cam eout well enough and the models are great. Still, at least if they’re undercoated, you can get on with the more interesting part once your CDs are done.

As Mr. Xander pointed out, oh so subtley, I’m very excited to hear that you’re starting on your CDs later today. You’d better keep to this or better standard :wink:

Now, get back to awesomeness!


For the pledge I put forward my 3,000 poit Apocalypse force which had, amidst Chaos stuff, 2 Whirlwinds, a Land Speeder and 2 Attack Bikes. So far I’ve painted everything in the pledge (and far more) aside from a single Attack Bike, so even though I’ve done 4,000+ points extra, I’ve still not ‘finished’ per se.

As a verbal update on the Chaos Dwarf project, 76 Hobgoblins have been placed on bases and had arms attached, all mold lines cleaned etc etc. Only 10 or so have heads currently, and the bases still need small amounts of basing sand on them before they’re undercoated and started. Since I’m at someone’s wedding tomorrow, and will have a day off Sunday, expect a (probably verbal) update on Monday.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Ah, I thought that may have been the case. Still, you have enough time, eh? :smiley:

76 in one evening? Not a bad start :smiley: What are you making them from?


76? Blimey, that’s like three units of 25 Hobbos! :smiley:


Heh, 3 units of 20 and 16 to crew 8 bolt throwers. As for what they’re made of, they’ll be made the same way as my Blood Bowl Hobgoblins, just without shoulder pads.


8 BTs! LOL And I thought 4 was harsh!! lol


I don’t know what any of that means except, based on my current completion rate, I will be… add the six, carry the one… I’ll be 100 years old by the time I do 76 models. give or take a year. :wink:

so, is this your full time job Geck? 'cause seriously, you’re just plowing through them! :stuck_out_tongue:


I’m a university student, and my next year doesn’t start till October, so I currently have a lot of free time on my hands as I work weekends. That’s why I’ve been burning through so much of my backlog of stuff to do really.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Geckilian, don’t say that :stuck_out_tongue: You’ll make us other out-of-term students look bad :smiley: Although I only have 10 models to paint to finish my currently owned CD! 8 bolt throwers is quite harsh-tastic, unless you’re planning for a Legendary Battles size army?


Well, it was either 2 Earthshakers, 2 Death Rockets and 4 Bolt Throwers, or a single Earthshakers and 8 Bolt Throwers with some fodder. I figured having 4 stonethrowers in 2,000 points would be excessively annoying, heh.

As for 8 Bolt Throwers being harsh, yes. If I see a Vargulf, Dragon or Terror-causing unit I want it to die before it gets near LD 5 Hobgoblins…

Hashut’s Blessing:

I understand that :smiley: (Although, you could replace the death rockets with 4 bolt throwers :smiley: ) Stone throwers aren’t the least time consuming units, that’s for sure :smiley: Using 4 each turn would be bad… I do agree that removing terror casuing things is a good idea. Why not have 2 Earthshakers still though? (Other than the fact you’ve made crew for bolt throwers already…)