Hashut’s Blessing:
cheers guys. getting a lot of responses now. Feel free to send them in, I’ll collate them as best I can, but like I said, this may still be on hold for a little while due to home troubles.
Hashut’s Blessing:
cheers guys. getting a lot of responses now. Feel free to send them in, I’ll collate them as best I can, but like I said, this may still be on hold for a little while due to home troubles.
Hashut’s Blessing:
Thommy H:
Yeah, and putting it together was a nightmare - not because of anyone else, but simply because I lacked the skills to make it measure up to the previous issues. As HB says, it’s a community-driven publication. If the community wants it, they’ll produce the content and (hopefully) someone will rise from the ranks with the skillset to do that content justice. That’s what happened last time.
Without wanting to cast any sort of pall over proceedings though, I would suggest that the age of a large amount of fan-created Chaos Dwarf material has now passed. The army has rules and models: no one needs to make their own stuff any more.
Hashut’s Blessing:
If people make articles and send them to me, I will happily plan it all out, as I did last time. But I doubt the project would come together very quickly at all.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
Would you like something on my recently finished Hobgoblins?
Hashut’s Blessing:
If you so desire - but be warned that there may not be a new WoH for them to be in. It depends entirely upon me receiving enough articles to put together.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
How many articles do you need to fill a WoH?
Hashut’s Blessing:
It caries based on length and number of submitted pictures.
Have totally failed to get anywhere further with my “Zhekdar’s story” as I just wasn’t happy with where it was going. Will make an effort at it again
Hashut’s Blessing:
If he wants to submit it and wait for other submissions, more than welcme. But I’m not holding my breath for this to happen within a year without a massiv drive from the community to actually give me some material to plan out.
Tarrakk Blackhand:
…and some cake! Don’t forget the CAKE!
Hashut’s Blessing:
Cake bribes are always accepted Whether anything happens from them or not is a different matter (not enough cake = not paid enough, too much cake = too busy eating cake. Also, there is no such thing as too much cake).
Kera foehunter:
so is this a go ? what do you need H b ?? and bu when?
Hashut’s Blessing:
It’s a go if enough people send me articles.
What I need: as many articles and pictures as possible - 2+ page articles preferable, although some one pagers will do as well. Also, slave pen questions.
By when: The second you finish writing it, it will go into a pile that will become the next WoH as soon as it is big enough to do so.
Hashut’s Blessing:
That would be amaszing, Herby! Thanks
When’s the deadline for submissions? If I have 2-2.5 weeks, I can write little step-by-step for my IG or hobgolin archer.
Hashut’s Blessing:
There is no deadline. There’s not enough people expressing interesting for entering submissions for me to set a deadline or even say there will be another issue. Just if I get enough stuff, I’ll put it together.
I can submit a tutorial for making bases (and maybe paint them)!
Hashut’s Blessing:
Go ahead. the more stuff submitted, the more likely this will happen.
Hashut’s Blessing:
Okie dokies and thank you