[Archive] Thornin's Space dwarves


I’m planning on putting together 35 EXO troopers first before I move onto bikers so it will be a little while yet the plan will be to put at least 30 bikers together before moving back to my infiltration units and then think about transports again. I’m really not enjoying my wooden tanks so much truth be told.


Mini update aaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrgggggggggghhhhhhhh!!! I see egg people…started working on 24 more EXO armoured squats now I soo need to find a quicker way of doing this …


Just finished sculpting another 100+ squat troopers all missing heads at the momment pictures will follow. Not to mention that I have been prepping to build 16 heavy weapons teams to fit into the force. The plan is to make near 300 squats for the core of my force these will be standard 30 ten man infantry without platoon command or characters. I’m really enjoying the process but the last few days I’ve used 24 inches of green stuff


35 Exo armour completed pics will follow.


35!? O_o

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For all whom were wondering what I have been up to Im now near mechanised for 50% of my eventual army they are yet unfinished but still I had to throw you guys something :smiley:

land Raiders

land speeders

Whirlwind fronts

whirlwinds backs

Rhino fleet

Pics taken with my Ipod