[Archive] tjubs blog of other stuff

Border Reiver:

Other than giving your GIs a more Soviet paint job uniform you don’t need to do too much to them - the US did send lots of helmets to the Sovs as part of Lend Lease. And on that note, I thought that the Soviets didn’t take any British Tanks after the Valentine (about 1942/3) because they were shite next to the T-34 which was then rolling off the lines in good quantities.

I digress though. The bunkers look excellent and the tanks are nicely weathered.


Other than giving your GIs a more Soviet paint job uniform you don't need to do too much to them - the US did send lots of helmets to the Sovs as part of Lend Lease.  And on that note, I thought that the Soviets didn't take any British Tanks after the Valentine (about 1942/3) because they were shite next to the T-34 which was then rolling off the lines in good quantities.  

I digress though.  The bunkers look excellent and the tanks are nicely weathered.

Border Reiver
Didnt know that about the US helmets, thou I painted up some soviets/spetznas for the halftracks instead. Im not sure about exactly what they recieved and when from the british, but I know that there were quite a few Churchills at Kursk and still fighting in mid/late '44 untill they were refitted with better tanks. IS-2 if I remember correct. :P


Painted up some conceptmodells for my brothers all skink army… They needed to be easy and rather fast to paint since he’s been away from the hobby the last 10+ years. :stuck_out_tongue:


Ah, no dont think I have. Dont play too much computer games, not enough time. :P

ok father/mother :>


We have the ambition to make a zombie senario game, just for some friends. But here are two characters I just painted up.

Fearless kid.

Me in 28mm, just needed to do some easy GS work.


Lumberjack kid :smiley:


Did you sculpted this stuff? :o

If so it’s really cool.

I wished when I was a child my parent bought me a chainsaw… aaah :frowning:


this zombie game thing sounds good

the minis are great,wanna see more of this stuff


Did you sculpted this stuff? :o
If so it's really cool.
I wished when I was a child my parent bought me a chainsaw..... aaah :(

Haha, no no... I ment I just had to do some easy GS work on the mini to make it into a "minime" :) The models are from Hasslefree.




I also had a pleasure to paint minis from this manufacturer - lots of zombie-fun ^^


theres only one way to survive…

kill as much of them as you can and run to the evacuation zone of the military at the air port.GO!GO!times running!!!


I’d suggest buy a copy of this manual, very funny :slight_smile:

I love zombies… :o


I'd suggest buy a copy of this manual, very funny :)
I love zombies.... :o

So do I... :cheers
When the rules are done I can PM you, but its just for fun and to be played at our local club.


I'd suggest buy a copy of this manual, very funny :)
I love zombies.... :o

So do I... :cheers
When the rules are done I can PM you, but its just for fun and to be played at our local club.

OK, I'm officially an idiot: I forgot to past the link... :|


This was the manual I was talking about... but well I'd like to read your manual too.... :)

Kera foehunter:

love the Tjubs in the hoodie urban gansta!!

i like the colors of the skinks too they are great



You’re not using any established zombie rulesets? All Things Zombie, Ambush Z?


love the Tjubs in the hoodie  urban gansta!!

i like the colors of the skinks too they are great

Kera foehunter
Haha, "urban gansta"? Thats my everyday slacker outfit when I go to work, lucky me I dont work at your school... :P

@GRNDL: No, or we might. But the plan is to test out some for our own, but it might as well be that we tweek some existing rules.


The horde is growing… Braiiiins!


I think your going to need a bigger gun :slight_smile: