[Archive] Warhammer Armies: Chaos Dwarfs


Agreed the rules should be driven by the models, not by the fluff. However some basic assumptions have to be answered since our rules are so nebulous.

- What are hobgoblins? Slaves or mercenaries?

- Which versions of hobgoblins are we to use? The sneaky cowards of our list or the quasi-mongols of the DoW?

- Blunderbusses, clean up.

- Further clarify the minimal rewrite thread, as this speaks most to addressing the issues.

- If the goals is to just clean up then we have to stay faithful to the army book That means by way of example that hobgob wolf boyz can drop in unit size to 5 to keep them in lines with say the O&G armybook, but they don’t get spears, they didn’t hav teh ability back in 4th, why now?

There are many more, these are just examples.

Best place to start in my honest opinion is the rules of the PDF and break that down even further. The only army book we have ever had is just that a collection of articles… So my proposal is to use that as a guide for book 1. Take the blunderbuss. It works great, but there are some issue with it that need to be addressed. i.e when shooting at creatures with multi wounds etc… TH rules to correct this can be found here. Take all that get the rules together, play test it to make sure it works then mark that off. Assemble some photos have a small bit of fluff and bang (pun intended), the first part is done. It could even bee done in a PDF by itself to start. As time goes by we add to the PDF as sections get completed.

Lastly as far as project lead (and don’t take the personally) something of this magnitude needs a few levels and at the very top needs to be one of the admins or mods to really keep the Dev Team on task and review goals and timelines. Not saying this to be a hard ass either. Its simply that too many of these projects stagger on like zombies due to lack of focus. Here is a prime example:



We are now nearing the completion of the first issue and have the second’s outline started… Only happened because someone took a major “a-hole” approach to it! This has to happen here of a even higher order of magnitude and for an even more sustained period of time…

So even before this starts goals need to be lain out, time lines determined, and the project team of the Core dedicated individuals assigned from a rules perspective. And I mean dedicated! Fluff can come at a latter point.