[Archive] Warhammer Quest and dreams of Hashut

Uther the unhinged:

Truly words fail me. All praise to Hashuts�?T architect.


This is an outstanding work of art! A labour of love and the result of true dedication. I just all the details, and the overall design is also very good.

Bravo, master! :hat off

And I’m constantly surprised by how much Chaos Dwarf work is being done here in the off-topic log section. Yeah I know, Quest. :smiley:

Besides, should we open a Chaos Dwarf scenery thread in the Image Gallery? Compile all people’s creations like this in one place?

I’ll leave the honour to you, if you don’t mind, and of course to open up such a scenery compilation with this wonder of the Chaos Dwarf world.

Oh, also: Do you have some big white or (even better) solid black blanket or similar tissue to drape out and use as background? When you finish the Daemonsmith and (I hope) take new shots of this marvel with him in his proper place, I hope we can get to see some artful photographs set against a black background to help set the dark tone, if possible. Just a wishlist.



Oh, also: Do you have some big white or (even better) solid black blanket or similar tissue to drape out and use as background? When you finish the Daemonsmith and (I hope) take new shots of this marvel with him in his proper place, I hope we can get to see some artful photographs set against a black background to help set the dark tone, if possible. Just a wishlist.

I second that wish! :hat


One more set of images of the forge and various components:

The Weapons Rack

Cracked Anvil and Spell Scrolls

Suit of Chaos Armour

And another piece finally completed: the Slave Pit Objective Room

S couple of close-ups:



Splendid! Thanks a lot! :cheers

Great work all over. Love the slave pit. The crane is excellent. I’ve by the way spread the news about your finished Daemonsmith forge and Forgemaster and slave pit on various forums and Facebook groups. Hoping to hook in more CDO members that way… :wink:


Great pictures, that black background really does the trick.

What a wonderful project! What are your plans for using it in games? Do you play some form of D&D or RPG kind of game?


The continuing story of a quack, who’s gone to the dogs. AKA my decidedly on-topic off-topic showcase…

Currently working on the final parts to the 4x4 Daemon Binding / Summoning Room. This is the central focus of the room - the failed binding of a daemon within a Hellcannon.

Here’s where this started (May 2017)

The room has been done for ages, but I put this piece on the back burner. Time to start getting caught up. A little air brushing and bronze/wash…

A bit more shading and detail… final steps will be highlighting and then painting the extra chains and debris that goes throughout the room.



Wow! That is a great modelling work, and so immensely great to see for a lifelone fan of the Hellcannon! Exquisite. :cheers

Uther the unhinged:

Fabulous conversion. It looks awesome.


Wow, no respite with you, immediately on to the next great project! :cheers

Looking really promising, cannot wait to see more. Keep the goodness coming! :hashut


Should I leave this thread where it is or temporarily relocate it to CDO Forums / Hobby / Showcase & Army Blogs while I’m continuing to work on Chaos Dwarf-related content?



A temporary move, and then move back, isn’t a bad idea. I once had the idea of splitting the thread, with one CD Quest thread in Showcase & Army Blogs, and one general Quest thread here, but of course I wouldn’t touch your blog, Forgemaster. :wink:


Well we’ll give it a try in the on-topic hobby showcase for now until I move back to generic Warhammer Quest stuff again.

So, it was way back in post #100 in this thread that I listed my outline for my Chaos Dwarf-themed Warhammer Quest boards

Here’s the list I had from that post with the finished pieces striked-through:

4x4 Dungeon Rooms

Summoning Chamber

Treasure Vault - Gold, treasure chests, scrolls, etc.

The Heat Below

Hitching Post

Objective Rooms

Firechasm - Largely unchanged, but with a sturdier Dawi Zharr-constructed bridge and bronze runed pillar instead of a dragon statue

Daemonsmith’s Diabolic Forge

Temple of Hashut

Tomb Chamber - Using the Dread King’s Chamber from the Catacomb’s of Terror (which is 8x5 instead of the usual 6x4 size of the Objective Rooms), the pillars flanking the entry ramp will have petrified Chaos Dwarf Sorcerers/Sorcerer-Prophets atop them, leading to an altar with a cracked anvil.


Corridor 1 - 2x6, painted in a dark marble pattern

Corridor 2 - probably similar to the above, with symbols carved into the floor


Stairs - 2x6 stair section, probably with some decoration beneath the stairs, like buried slaves, pipes, etc.


Doorway Design 1 - There will actually be 2-3 such doorways, which will use modified Minotaur heads above the archway instead of skulls.

Doorway Design 2 - Polished pillars, etched with flaming Dawi Zharr runes

Doorway Design 3 - Pillars with attached chains and the skeletal remains of a chained-up slave

Doorway Design 4 - Treasure vault entrance (similar look to design 1, but with coins and treasure spilling out a little)

Doorway Design 5 - Old style plastic Chaos Dwarf Warrior ‘statues’ guarding either side of the doorway

Doorway Design 6 - Entrance to the Temple of Hashut (using the classic Lammasu head over the doorway… I have several that I cast in resin from a few years ago)

Doorway Design 7 - Diabolic forge entrance with smoke stacks, pipes

I guess to this list I could also add:


Corridor Corner - Fractured Passage

Objective Rooms

Slave Pit - Fighting Pit variant

So, it’s getting much closer! Here’s the Summoning Room:

4x4 Daemon Binding / Summoning Dungeon Room - Complete



Love you stuff Nico, back on track! :cheers


Oh my gosh, that is gorgeous!