[Archive] Warhammer Themed music for your army

Tarrakk Blackhand:

I wonder if Games Workshop ever considered this?

Some marches for Bretonnia and Empire come to mind as well as Ogre grunts and mood music for general games.

Could be done on CD, Tape Cassette, Recod and 8-track…ok, maybe not 8-track.:o

Anyway, what do you think?


Need I say more than BoltThrower? :wink: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byOmF3lK7jA

There was some EP-thing you got with WD back in the days, dont remember which bands thou.

Kera foehunter:

that wood be cool to here some pirate songs he he


For some reason it depends a little bit on which army for me.

Certain songs work well as all-around good music.

Rammstein’s Rosenrot is one of my favorite songs. This is good for nearly ANY army in my opinion.

Several Amon Amarth songs would work for Dwarfs, Norse orientated Chaos, or even Chaos Dwarfs

Iced Earth could work to a degree also.

For non rock/metal:

Kingdom of Heaven soundtrack would be very good for Empire, Brets, and possibly Tomb Kings.

A number of the songs from the new Battlestar series soundtrack could work rather well. Several for TK or Lizards, some for Empire.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

But this would be special, newly composed music.


I wonder if Games Workshop ever considered this?

Some marches for Bretonnia and Empire come to mind as well as Ogre grunts and mood music for general games.

Could be done on CD, Tape Cassette, Recod and 8-track.....ok, maybe not 8-track.:o

Anyway, what do you think?

Tarrakk Blackhand
Sounds interesting, but I very much doubt GW will start it's own record label again like they did with Bolt Thrower. Besides, Bolt Thrower was kind of a fluke, because they happened to be playing Warhammer themed music already when they approached GW.

If you're really looking for warhammer themed music, there's a soundtrack to Warhammer Online.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

Kool. I’ll have to check out these links.


Need I say more than BoltThrower? ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byOmF3lK7jA
There was some EP-thing you got with WD back in the days, dont remember which bands thou.

That would be the legendary Sabbat.

I'm putting together an appropriately heroic playlist myself, though it's quite short. Thus far:

Ad Victorium by Ensiferum
Ferum Aeternum by Enseferum
A Past and Future Secret by Blind Guardian
Lothlorien by Orange Goblin


Need I say more than BoltThrower? ;) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=byOmF3lK7jA
There was some EP-thing you got with WD back in the days, dont remember which bands thou.

The problem with bolt-thrower is that they never evolved.. It's just a bad reminder of how terrible music was in the 90's.. And believe me, as I have all their albums..


This is not GW-related but ayway…
Im not a fan of metal other than old thrash, but Sabaton is great for inspiration to paint WWII atleast! :slight_smile:
This one is about the battles around “Kursk”, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=szM6Rr7gKSY
…and Rommel. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zSzKhkOHKMA&feature=related


I still think Die Krupps is the best music for CD.

Empire? Maybe some medieval music.


I’d say Wolf Eyes would be better than die Krupps for CDs.

For the “Medieval Music”, how about Dead Can Dance?


There was some rather awesome music that came out of the 90’s. Just look at the early Orange Goblin, Nevermore and Achemist albums for example.

Plus add Ministry, White Zombie, Electric Frankenstein…

Then there where Carcass, who defined a whole generation of metalheads.

There was a lot of chaff to seperate from the wheat, but the same is true now - it’s just we have a larger harvest.


There was some rather awesome music that came out of the 90's. Just look at the early Orange Goblin, Nevermore and Achemist albums for example.
Plus add Ministry, White Zombie, Electric Frankenstein...
Then there where Carcass, who defined a whole generation of metalheads.

the 90's put out nirvana, STP and the rest too. NO matter what good came out of the 90's it was overshadowed by the amount of crap that came out also.. Of your list, only Ministry and White zombie would be anything I'd listen to. And realize I'm 41 and not exactly the target audience for many of those bands. I love thrash and speed metal. I don't like black/death/push/tech metal. It's contrived and forced and if you force the music, it sounds terrible.

Tarrakk Blackhand:

How about we pick an army and then figure some theme music for them, and then move on to another?

What about something from the Opera for Dwarfs?


I always hear bagpipes when I think of dwarfs… It doesn’t have to be Scottish, but bagpipes and lots of tremmeling

Kera foehunter:

like this mr t !!! i like the more up beat !! then the metal slashing head bangers stuff

this will get you rocking



I prefer a medivial thouched kind of music …

for example Faun:       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JAwR4MiZ0nw

                     or       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9EWfhjTncG4&feature=PlayList&p=DA5D30CD9E5CAF74&index=5

also cool is Qntal:       http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=os5BkXuGGL8

and also Estampie:      http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lx06OZQKv0U

… as you can see I like it more silent and traditional!


Tarrakk Blackhand:

Wow Zanko. The first video has nice music, but what a culture clash! Medivial knights and Goth Punk rockers. Bizzarre!

Here’s one from Serbia. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NHEFFK9EPgY&NR=1

The guys in here look like Chaos Dwarfs.

Kera foehunter:

that is cool mr t i like it


I’m looking forward to mounting some speakers in my Legendary Battles toy: A counts-as War Mammoth, the Chaos Dwarf Pirate Zeppelin. :smiley: I plan on using some nice Vernian Process for it, such as Behold the Machine. Cheesiest vocals ever, but so totally appropriate.

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