[Archive] we have a new president

Kera foehunter:

we done it yea !!! now to all my american brother and sister we done it!!! we have a man of the people !!

now like a true american im going out to party !!!


Woot! Go obama!

This message was automatically appended because it was too short.


I kept my opinion to myself so far.

I was strongly for McCain, and I campaigned for him A LOT. I remember several days I worked over 13 hours.

I disagree with Obama on many issues, but there are some things that I want that will hopefully be done with him and a Democratic congress. I won’t say what, to avoid a flame war or anything. If he does these things, I’ll consider him four years from now.

I will give him respect, and hope for his safety… as I do have a bad feeling about his safety.


I can see this topic going sour quickly.

interesting - I didn’t even know the US was having an election… I guess the Canadian election overshadowed it. shame. I’d have loved to know who was running… hrmmmmm :stuck_out_tongue:


Keep it clean ladies and gents. :slight_smile:


Keep it clean ladies and gents. :)

After all intelligent people can disagree. :hat off


As a man of the world and a Canadian citizen, I am encouraged by the results of this election. From where I stand in sunny Ontario (heh), the US drastically needed a new direction and I hope this one will bring prosperity back to the US. The Bush administration has not been kind to the image of the US in the eyes of the rest of the world.


Cheers to all of my american friends - as a man from Denmark, I’ll say as little as possible - but I have high hopes for Obama. (again - I’m not saying anything to start a fist-fight because of this). :cheers


Hello, I never wanted to open a politic thread in a Warhammer forum but because you did…:rolleyes:

I’m not living in US but what happens there always influence Europe and the World. Also a big part of my family lives in US so I was really interested in the race and result.

I though everything would be better than Bush and McCain is a nice person but I’m really super happy that you choose Obama! :hat Let’s see what is going to happen.

Unfortunately he has no curly beards and big hats! :h

Kera : you’re not a true American! You have a Vatican, Caraibian, Greek, Swedish… flag!

Sojour : ahahhahah, here in Italy US elections were obscured by Canadian ones!!"

Kera foehunter:

well from this time now on i proud to be an american !!!

the 7 year of war !! the whole us enconmy! being treated as a non american! Being a poor american no one cared about out sources are job !!it was take the moneyand run for 8 years   the point of one man standing up to the bush empier and where no one would !!this man obama  ran the gaunlet for us american   and at the end he won !!

so from my view point !!!we found a man that could heal america!!!

to bring us as one nation !!

if you could look in his eye when he would give speeches

you see the true man !!

he gives me hope!!! something i have not had as american in 8 years!!!

so that all i have say!!

so im not a trying to make a stir this is my views

this is how i feel !! I HAVE HOPE!!!



Europe approves.:hat off

But hot dang does this guy have some things to fix. Frankly I wonder why anyone would even want to try. Cudos for that.

And it seems he has managed to fire up people who never managed to care before, (though to what extent might Dubbya have provided the fuel?) and I think if nothing else that is just as important.

The cynic in me has a sneaking suspicion that some people are maybe expecting too much too fast. Let’s hope those who are now hopeful aren’t sorely disappointed.

A politician is always a politician.


Well, avoiding the mess that would be specifics, the populous of most of the world was rooting for Obama, as the less right-wing candidate. Don’t forget that most of the world is to the left of the USA.

Hell, here in the UK, Obama would be considered quite an extreme conservative.


Well, avoiding the mess that would be specifics, the populous of most of the world was rooting for Obama, as the less right-wing candidate. Don't forget that most of the world is to the left of the USA.

Hell, here in the UK, Obama would be considered quite an extreme conservative.

So very true. I couldn't help but LMAO when I herd some of the talk about Obama being a socialist. I don't think they know what that really is.


This is a general warning to EVERYONE:

Regardless of who one voted for or who you supported, regardless of nationality or your political party I will be watching this thread continuously. There will BE NO RANCOR, INTOLERANCE or basically other crap you find regarding who one voted (regardless of  candidate). Maybe elsewhere on the web, but not here.

If you want to discuss it fine, I will not tolerate and mudslinging, or in your face, what have you. If you want to discuss this civily have at it.

If you feel this is too strong, I’m not apologizing. One of the reasons that CDO is and will continue to be a great site is that politics are keep to a bare minimum.

Not saying this has happened already, keep it the way teh discussion has been so far and all will be fine. As Xander has said I concur, keep it clean… I’m watching.


Willmark scared everyone off! :stuck_out_tongue:


President Obama is on my top friends on myspace!

YAY we finaly broke the color boundry for the presidency!


i just thought of something, a few hundred years ago, african american’s were mostly slaves in the US, now we have an african american as our leader.

(not saying anything bad, i voted for obama.)

look at goblin slave

don’t you get any ideas

zorn sabretooth:

i lost money on this

frankly, I think Bill Clinton should be given a 3rd term for being such a good source of comedy material


i lost money on this
frankly, I think Bill Clinton should be given a 3rd term for being such a good source of comedy material

zorn sabretooth

"I am Jay Leno and I approve this message" ;)


Willmark scared everyone off! :P

nope, just being up front.


I’ve got lye soap you can use to clean it up if necessary.