[Archive] What do guys like

Kera foehunter:

I found it !!!


A woman in her underwear Speaking elvish


Stupid Elves. What do you need Elves for when you can sport a beard, moan about youngsters, drink beer, smoke a pipe, curse loudly, burp and wield a rune-encrusted axe that is about thrice your size?

“Elves out of Fantasy”!!!


She loses points for not having steak or cake.

Hashut’s Blessing:

Steakcake is better.

Kera foehunter:

yuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck H B


…or a meat lovers pizza…


I found it !!!


A woman in her underwear Speaking elvish

Kera foehunter
so that's what you look like Kera!!


so that's what you look like Kera!!

Don't ruin the fantasy for us all with wild accusations like that.

Every one knows that Kera has a beard!

Hashut’s Blessing:

How about cakesteak? Or ceak? Everyone like Stake though…


I’m indifferent… to Elvish that is, but steak-cake sounds alright I guess. I currently am still shellshocked from watching American Psycho last night, and now am reading the book.

So I guess I’d take American Psycho over steak-cake and or Elvish, but I’d take Elvis over them all.

Hail to the King baby!


Dwarfish/Khalizad is what people need to be speaking.

Hashut’s Blessing:

The trouble with Dwarfish/Khazalid is the translation into full sentences.


The muttering of curses and expletives under ones beard works for me.:slight_smile:


I’m still looking for the “woman in her underwear” in that video…

Kera foehunter:

She the one with the Elvish accent :slight_smile:


I don’t think we can post pictures of what guys imagine as “women in underwear” on this forum. Definitely against forum rules :wink:


I'm still looking for the "woman in her underwear" in that video...

I was also hopeful for a moment, but Kera's just a big tease it seems. And the woman was just talking in her own gibberish. If it ain't quenya or sindarin it ain't elvish. Not that I could tell the difference between the three, but Tolkien knew what *he* was doing. I don't know what her credibility is.


Since we don’t see much below her neck, we can imagine that those white straps on her shoulders go to some underwear. Or maybe a onekini


well besides her talking elvish or the assumptions about her clothing… Seems like she has a pretty face imho.

I wish we would have some more girls like that in our tabletop club… The only two we have look like the fater sisters of the marshmallow man. :wink:


Needs more mead.

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