[Archive] Why charge to mount on an iron daemon?


I’ve been wondering why there is a charge to do this?

Strikes me that unless they have a rediculously short range (unlikely), there would not be a whole lot of point to dragging an artillery piece anywhere near combat…?

Which would basically mean they wouldn’t need to be moved unless people knew they were going to have an awkward deployment.

So imo it should be free to mount on the iron daemon.


Thommy H:

Habit? It sort of feels wrong to have an option without charging for it. Versatility is worth points too. What’s the cost anyway? I don’t see it in the Iron Daemon pdf.

Ancient History:

Yeah, I’m with Thommy. Not entirely sure what you’re talking about here. Are you talking about the Carriage Hauler ability?


+25 pts in the army list for all warmachines.


Being able to drop a war machine so that it can fire directly down the battleline rather than just through it, seems pretty handy. Plus you can spread your war machines at the back of the battlefield, reducing the amount of usable cover available that some units rely on.


I guess there would be some logic there, if it’s an elite list the war machines deployed long before the enemy has finished.  Meaning they could need moving.

Even so, why charge?

Ancient History:

+25 pts in the army list for all warmachines.

Can a brother get a link, a reference, anything to put this in context?


Zhatan87 was the one who posted the photos of the army list before the staff removed them (for copyright reasons).  So you’d need to ask him for the links. :wink:

To quote (note that this is the same for all the warmachines except the hellcannon)

It may be mounted on a Steam Carriage if at least one Iron daemon is in the army +25pts
Which I guess could mean that people could use the Dreadquake mortar without the steam carriage platform?  I.e. an earthshaker model.

I was planning on magnetising mine anyway so it could be turned, but that would be an extra reason to, if it could also be put on a base.

Ancient History:

Okay. Well, to begin with I assume (not having seen the list) that the mountable war machines either lack movement, or have a much reduced movement compared to the Iron Daemon pulling them.

There are many good tactical reasons why it might be desirable for war machines to be moveable - if your opponent has gotten your range, for example, and you need to relocate to either avoid fire or to rain hell on those who have moved out of your range; for example, or to get a clear line of sight if terrain or whatnot would prevent the war machine from targeting the desired unit. If the war machines in question have a short template-range like a steam gun template, it might be better to bring them to the enemy rather than entrench around them and hope the enemy is stupid enough to go for a frontal assault.


Just to be clear though, in order to do this you need to keep your iron daemon attached.  Which isn’t great for a war machine with 18" range as you keep it out of range most of the game or risk dragging the carriage(s) too close if it moves forwards.

Tactically it may happen to be useful every now and then, but until we see the range on the magma cannon and demo rocket I suspect they won’t be moved much.

That, and if it is attached it will be move or shoot.  Which sort of defeats the purpose.

Which overall is a bit too situational I think to be worth 25pts per machine.

They have 0 movement btw.


Just to be clear though, in order to do this you need to keep your iron daemon attached.  Which isn't great for a war machine with 18" range as you keep it out of range most of the game or risk dragging the carriage(s) too close if it moves forwards.

Tactically it may happen to be useful every now and then, but until we see the range on the magma cannon and demo rocket I suspect they won't be moved much.

That, and if it is attached it will be move or shoot.  Which sort of defeats the purpose.

Which overall is a bit too situational I think to be worth 25pts per machine.

They have 0 movement btw.

Magma Cannon:
Flame Template
range 0-24 S5, 1D3 wound
Flaming Attack
Uses the Black Powder war machine misfire chart.

Deathshrieker Rocket:
Small Template
Range : 12-72 S3/S8 1D6 wound
Uses the Black Powder war machine misfire chart.

I can see it being useful for the Magma Cannon, but the range for the rocket is insane, no point in that. It would really be useful to speed to the objective in a game and drop 2 peices of artillery there, then you can use the Iron Daemon to shoot/charge anyone who dares try to take that spot till your army catches up.

Thommy H:

They have 0 movement btw.
There you go then. They pay 25 points for the ability to move. No mystery there.


I was wondering about this as well , the only problem is i would not want to be towing my warmachines around the table seems a bit of a waste of a turns shooting to me but each to there own i guess, i would certainly use the engine in a game just on its own its going to do some serious damage


I didn’t see any thing about war machines that couldn’t move.
Minis does have wheel… But it makes sense that CD crew is not able to pull these war machines…

Ideas :
Games reasons :
1) Why should an option be free when it doesn’t come in replacement of another?
2) War machine moves only 3 inches (CD move). Iron daemon moves 6. It’s not a non significative difference.
I think it’s the real reason.
If war machines can not move at all, that’s a very good reason.
3) Scenario in throne of chaos book???

Hobby reason :
FW make minis for passionated people. Many of them will want to bring a complete land train on the battlefield. So, they had to create an option to do it. 25 pts aren’t expensive for hobbyists…


Sorry, I meant the 3" crew move only. Me thinking 0" was thinking they can’t move independantly under their own steam (pun intended).


I think it is mainly for hobby reasons, in character with the models they are making. But also, the models are designed for big games, a Warhammer version of Apocalypse (which I think is rumoured to be on the horizon, but don’t hold me to it) - in these types of games, on a massive board it might be necessary to redeploy your artillery pieces at some point.


Iron daemon with a magma cannon on tow sounds pretty good to me. I would pay 25pts for that combo.

BTW IF the daemon is in combat are the carriages in combat (and thus unable to fire) too?

Also if the flame cannon uses the flame template how does it have a range of up to 25"?


I believe that the carriages won’t be in combat when the iron deamon is in combat, seeing as the iron deamon can move when a carriage is in combat


Also if the flame cannon uses the flame template how does it have a range of up to 25"?

You "throw" the fire forward, roll an artillery dice (as if a cannon), then place the template that many inches away.

The way I'd use it would be: aim at a spot 7" before the enemy unit, roll the "bounce" distance, 2-4-6-8-10, then place the flame template at the end.


I think the reason for the option is fairly obvious… FW is mostly about large scale battles, and while in a normal game such an ability hardly justifies an extra 25pts… in a larger game on a large table it easily could. This is a preamble to 10,000+ point WHFB games.