[Archive] Willmark this is for you

Kera foehunter:

while on the web i found this .Being the dark lord and how much you like him i had to post this

This is so you, would you use your evil powers like this??


Mmmmm blaster to pizza force power. Somehow I missed that one in Sith Lord training! Nice find Kera!


You don’t know the power of the dark side! For example, you can steal pizza.


That reminded me of this Robot Chicken sketch!



Ohhhhhh, thank god i’m not the only one who has discovered the genious of Robot Chicken…


Now if I can transform that into beer I’d be set!

Kera foehunter:

i like robot chicken too. if you get a chance check out chad vader ( so funny)


Utter genius, force pizza, who’d have thought it


pizza, the fuel for being evil and it tastes good to :smiley:


robot chicken!!! never managed to see the whole of the star wars special :frowning: all the links only seem to work for people in the US!


Kera- you’ll really like my new avatar then!

Hashut’s Blessing:

Mr. Xander showed it to me and I told him off as I need an avatar as cool as it now. he told me to send another model pic, but I can’t as all of my painted models (only got four CDs unpainted here anyway. All blunderbussers) are back home! I guess I could Force Pull them, but I’d just get the fridge instead. (Sorry, Vader. I’m just better trained at food acquirement :wink: )Which reminds me, on Saturday, I was LARPing and a mage. I had an energy sword of sorts (it had LOTS of magical effects and glowed red for some reason :smiley: ) and I had air magic (lightning bolt, chain lightning bolt and gust of wind), so I was a Sith Lord! “By the power of the dark Side: Force Lightning/Force Chain Lightning/Force Push!”


Bah! Force grip is one if the signs of a true Sith Lord! :wink:

Hashut’s Blessing:

I know. But, I decided to Force Push the campfire into them instead :wink: More painful. True Sith Lords learn control of all things :smiley: I’ve just mastered food acquirement, as you can tell :smiley:

Kera foehunter:

cool avatar that’s worth a slave. and one day he will call you master.


yeah I was forced to give up my old one!


Yes he is cool enough to be uncool he is nt in your army blog is he? looks:hat


yeah I was forced to give up my old one!
I was pretty accommodating, I think. :hat off

The model is an official paint job from the site. A stock photo if you will. :P


Just me grumbling… :wink: it fits me no worries.


i am seriously confused. willmarks avatar looks like willmarks avatar has always looked to me, but a bit more zoomed in and blurry. are you all seeing something else?