[Archive] Willmark this is for you


Heh its new sounds like you are having a cache issue… Xander created a new one for me so I look “modish”… :slight_smile:


a ha! i pressed refresh. now i see

dwarf va’durr from heresy. very cool model. it all makes sense now lol

and i suppose a proper mod should have a proper avatar lol


Heh its new sounds like you are having a cache issue... Xander created a new one fie me so I look "modish"...  :)

congratz on the being a mod Willmark

/Bows down to the new all mighty mod Willmark


“Your skills have increased greatly, but you are not a Jedi… yet”.


Ya, if you just hotlink to the original link I gave you, instead of uploading an image, no one will have the cashing issue.


Even the most mindful jedi will turn to the dark side if the Domino’s Pizza delivery guy is late.

Kera foehunter:

well willmark is gone.super mod willmark… He’s more metal and machine now.


well you know what they say

willmark leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate is the path to the dark side



Does this make Xander the Emperor?

Hashut’s Blessing:

Only if I’m Darth Caedus. :wink:


is xander sitting their now wearing a cowl, being the puppet master the the entire worlds chaos dwarf community? i think that yes, that does make him a wrinkly old man with a penchant for turning people to the dark side.


Willmark: “Can I be taught how to be a mod?”

Xander: “yes, but not by a Jedi”



Does this make Xander the Emperor?

YES! all hail emperor Xander

just watch out for ishkur cinderhat
he's probibly yoda, lol


I wonder if Han got that slice from Pizza the Hutt?

Kera foehunter:

No but he got to hang out at the hutts. Xander the emperor it hard to tell the darkside clouds everything!!!

Hashut’s Blessing:

I wonder if they’re tea-party was endorsed by Java the hutt? (P.S. They actually named a cafe Java the Hutt after Jabba the Hutt :D)

Do not underestimate the power of pepperoni!

Does that mean the Emperor is really called Darth Xanderous?

Kera foehunter:

now this is you willmark



lol, thats a cool movie

Hashut’s Blessing:

I prefer this one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQqx5EsbSfY although I like this one too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_NALyl9Sr4 :smiley:


Is Willmark going to betray Xander when his post count exceeds Xander’s?

Cue dramatic music.

Da da DAAAA???