[Archive] Willmark this is for you

Hashut’s Blessing:

Anakin Willmarker: “Obi-Xan Kenobi’s in danger!”

Kera Amidala: “How do you know?”

Anakin Willmarker: “I heard the ominous music!”

Kera foehunter:

Yoda _H.B.  that’s to funny.

BTW tha’ts  Senator Kera Amidala:hat off

Hashut’s Blessing:

At the time, it was Queen :wink: So, are you saying I’m Hashut’s Yoda?


hehe, HB is yoda:) you so have to talk backwards from now on

Kera foehunter:

Whats that make you minty chewbaca!!!


so there will be some more action around here :stuck_out_tongue:


sweet, I’m chewy, I so got the best position:)

Kera foehunter:

willmark at work


Hashut’s Blessing:

Found Willmark’s musical, I have: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M_NALyl9Sr4

But, nothing have you and young Skywalker on I: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FprQEGc3Za4

Enjoy, you will… looks mystic


Man what does a Dark Lord need to do around here to get a bit of respect!


Feel the power mortals!


ummm, you lost that fight badly;):slight_smile: don’t worry, we respect you, honestly (wilmark, that guy who think’s he’s the dark lord, crazy)


we do ?

just kidding :stuck_out_tongue:


Yeah but I finally got rid of that pesky Obi-Wan in Episode IV.


pffft, when he was an old man, dosen’t count

haha, also, your dwaf lacks a beard, thus he is a traitor


haha, also, your dwarf lacks a beard, thus he is a traitor

That is ironic on so many levels it boggles the mind...

Hashut’s Blessing:

Taught your master well, I did. Pwned, you were.

Kera foehunter:

or did you willmark??? only a seth don’t understand the true power of the force


Thats not a cloak he’s wearing, thats just his beard combed back over his shoulders