[Archive] Worst sculpt ever?


Yep, the BFSP dwarfs are awful. I was planning on just giving them a mask. After seeing how terrible they are in real life, I am tempted to sculpt beards onto them, just to hide their ugly boring sculpting.

Traitor King:

That Slayer actually has his bottom showing.
A fair few slayers do IIRC, including Garagrim iron-ma-ginmy from the SoC.

Cornixt: Definatly, they need a fair amount of work to be nice.

Ghrask Dragh:

TBH Ghrask,
Forgive me please but I am not up to date with all the forum lingo, I have worked out IMO - In My Opinion and IMHO with a Humble thrown in there but thats about it. So, what does TBH mean?
TBH Ghrask, the goblins are just bog standard Night goblins.
Although... that is probably why they're so cool
I think your right, that is why they are cool. When you have units numbering over 30 (my night goblin army) it's good to have the simplest models you can, it can get a bit dull painting the same pose over and over but I think the finished product is certainly worth it, in my case anyway.


TBH: To be honest

Ghrask Dragh:

Thank You, I also know Btw - By the way :cheers aren’t I clever!

I am also starting some scratch-built models at the moment so expect a few more additions to this list shortly :slight_smile:

One of them is a Gotrek mini from an old Mark Gibbons sketch I saw in a White Dwarf mag’ if anyones interested.


The main problem for me is why the hell they have made so many clip together minis that look like the actual ranges (battle for Macragge, BfSP greenskins and all those �7 booster plastic boxes for regiment sets) and then make the BfSp dwarfs look so diabolical. I’m all for having easy to construct minis for beginers and those who just want to play, but those guys just look wrong in a dwarf army.

Uzkul Werit:

One guy in mine and Ghrask’s local GW actually has an army made up of just the BFSP Dwarfs and it looks ugly as sin. I know that my army ain’t much better but there you go.


what about the comedy goblin spearmen you got from the old (old) WHFB boxed set that had gobbos & High elves. Them buggers drew blood if you weren’t carefull where you put your elbow whilst enjoying a bacon butty over a quick battle!


what about the comedy goblin spearmen you got from the old (old) WHFB boxed set that had gobbos & High elves.��Them buggers drew blood if you weren't carefull where you put your elbow whilst enjoying a bacon butty over a quick battle!

No kidding those little buggers could pierce through skin simply by picking them up.


hehe, I’ve converted nearly all mine to look like the 6th ed Goblins. Chop off the head and stick a new one on - does wonders!

Ghrask Dragh:

what about the comedy goblin spearmen you got from the old (old) WHFB boxed set that had gobbos & High elves.��Them buggers drew blood if you weren't carefull where you put your elbow whilst enjoying a bacon butty over a quick battle!
:):) I have about 60 of those, it's like acupuncture!
One guy in mine and Ghrask's local GW actually has an army made up of just the BFSP Dwarfs and it looks ugly as sin. I know that my army ain't much better but there you go.
:) Yes he gets quite a bit of stick for that!
Nagash indeed look bad.
But I dont see anything worst than this.

This is grotesque even for ogres. Anyone else feel that the warhammer universe has slowly became to serious for this?
I like this sculpt, it's not the best idea they have ever had and gnoblars carrying is a bit far fetched but I can get over that, I think it's a good sculpt and GW needs a bit more humour now days IMHO.

PS. it IS grotesque.


Galrauch, that god-awful chaos dragon.��I only know it’s a dragon because it says on the box.��It looks like a stick thats been used to play fetch with some mentaly disturbed mountain lions on crack.��All be it a colorful one!


I think the sculpt is good personally, but the colors are off. Blue and Red as a primary scheme? Ugh.


I think the sculpt is good personally, but the colors are off. Blue and Red as a primary scheme? Ugh.

Eh? are we looking at the same dragon/stick/mess? It seems beauty really is in the eye of the beholder.

It's terrible! Why does it's tail stick out at a wierd angle under it's head? oh that's another head is it?, and them claws waving about behind it's back are rediculously out of proportion, what's that? wings you say? I guess they could be. Are you sure it's a dragon? it looks more like a chaos tree to me.

Not since looking at my (much) younger brother's drawings have I looked at something and said "What is it?"

Rubbish. Plain Rubbish.

Ghrask Dragh:

it looks more like a chaos tree to me.

I'm not a big fan either. I think it fits in well with some of the other Chaos stuff like the screamers, flamers and spawns but it just doesn't have enough shape to it for me. It bearly resembles a dragon and proportions are way off, though I think thats the point with chaos, it's just not for me.
Btw- what do you guys think of the new spawn boxed set? I just bought one cheap from eBay can't wait until it gets here! There is going to be so much left over to use for other conversions I might get one of the Terminator Lords.


Zomg I love the new spawns.

So much better that the old metal one (which in fact is also a horrible sculpt)

- Tallhat


Zomg I love the new spawns.
So much better that the old metal one (which in fact is also a horrible sculpt)

- Tallhat

Agreed and agreed :hat off






I see what you are saying and I concur. That's why they say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, one man's garbage is another man's treasure etc, etc.

Uzkul Werit:

I saw the bull head from the Spawn Box and I knew it had to be used in my army somewhere. It’s now the head of a Wolfboy’z Wolf.