Artisan’s Contest XXXIX - Voting!

“I must believe that anarchy prevails, in spite of all the laws which seemingly govern our actions, our sorcery, our logic. I see only chaos in the world.”

Sponsors @KhamdrimSkyMaster , @loidrial , @MichaelX , and @LaketideMiniatures Present: The voting thread for the 39th Artisan’s Contest on Chaos Dwarfs Online!

How to vote:
Please submit 3 numbers as votes by sending a PM to the @GoldenHat account (a special account all Staff members can access).

Each (more or less) anonymous entry is numbered ranging from 1 to 9. There is no need to specify which one you think is 1st, 2nd or 3rd. Simply list the three that you like and we will do the rest. You are not allowed to vote for yourself.

  • Voting will close at 11:59 PM February the 6th, 2025 EST (Eastern Standard Timezone).

Once the votes are tallied we will post the results. Exciting things are brewing on Chaos Dwarfs Online, stay tuned for more contests!

Album of Images

Entry #1

Entry #2

Entry #3

Entry #4

Entry #5

Entry #6

Entry #7

Entry #8

Entry #9

Link to contest brief with prizes that are up for grabs!

Great job everyone and good luck!
-The Staff


Picking the 3 best entries will be a bit tricky again! :thinking:


2 strike immediately with me, for the 3rd I had to think between 3 entries
In the end I forgot to partecipate due to too many projects ongoing ahhauaha
I had in mind to make a drawing of a reverse bull centaur, where the forse was sitting on the back side of the bull, instead of the regular front one ahuauaua
With a little face of hashut in the sky between clouds laughing


Really enjoyed the variety on this one! Always fun seeing how everyone interprets the theme.

I got absolutely nothing else done, just redoing the painting after dropping it

F.F.F Forgot to vote… My No1 vote would have been No 8


There’s still another couple days to vote!

Well, voting was open for another 40 hours, but now that you openly posted in a secret vote, all votes are of course void and the contest is invalid.


Voted! Nice entries all around.

Hashmark…(poor swear word I know). My cunning plan is revealed. But wait here is a Turnip!

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The results have been tallied. Collectively you petty mortals are rife with indecision. Sacrifices will continue until tyranny reigns.