Artisan’s Contest XXXIX: Hammer and Sorcery

“Sorcery is like a sword without a hilt”

The Brazen Broadcast Presents: The 39th Artisan’s Contest on Chaos Dwarfs Online!

This contest has been sponsored by @KhamdrimSkyMaster @Loidrial
@MichaelX and @LaketideMiniatures !

The gold winner will receive this Titan Forge blimp courtesy of @Loidrial and @KhamdrimSkyMaster

And the silver winner will carry home these Ral Partha Chaos Dwarfs thanks to @LaketideMiniatures and @MichaelX

Whereas the bronze winner shall receive a glorious badge for their Chaos Dwarfs on-the-line persona. A mark of honor that will doubtlessly contribute to their standing in the conclave of sorcerers. (This is a 13 week contest, if anyone would like to donate a bronze prize feel free to reach out to @Reaver)

And finally one lucky random draw winner not in top three will receive this furry shedspawn, creature of Oxy’s nightmares.

Subject Matter: Hammer and Sorcery

This contest is intended for both miniature based entries AND/OR 2D concept art/drawings/etc. Entrants can complete sorcerer model(s) or proxies to use in future gaming or create art depicting Chaos Dwarf related sorcerers.

This time around we want you to sculpt, kitbash, paint, draw, and/or convert miniature(s), 2D art, a diorama, or other artistic endeavor which in some way features your own personal spin on Chaos Dwarf sorcerers/ daemonsmiths/ sorcerer’s apprentices. Entries may be something non-traditional in Chaos Dwarf or Hobgoblin armies or your own unique spin on an established classic.

The focus of this contest is on the trials, infamy, and potential misfortune that befalls lower level smiths and sorcerers trying to ascend in Hashut’s priesthood (or Walhut, etc). How can you represent the risks and rewards bestowed by Hashut’s “gift”. That said, any sorcerer / wizard entry will be accepted and adherence to the theme will be left up to our dedicated council of voters, all of you! You may consider creating a converted model of your character and making supplemental art depicting a scene from a failed trial in his workshop or success on the battlefield.

Strap on your cleats and grab your clipboard. Maybe you’re a satirical bloody sportsball enjoyer ready to coax your Blood Bowl team out of retirement but need to fill the flamesmith role in the roster. I’m sure there are plenty of ways to make a mouth flame breathing fire bender without breaking the two deer bank and throwing all your fun funds down the Jiminy skibidi chaos workshop toilet. After all, fantasy football still counts as fantassyyyy?.. Bonus points to anyone who thinks a sorcerous tea drinking flame breathing Uncle Iroh Chaos Dwarf should be added to the Brazen Bastards.

Perhaps your Chaos Dwarfs are more technologically savvy and you’ve been inspired by Dark Mechanicrap releases and want to make a Dark mechanicarp servant familiar for your nautical pirates… Crap no wait, call in the Ordo Redactus, I’ve spoiled my own lucky charms, they’re after me lucky carp!.. You should use this idea for um… Chaos checks notes Squats! Who is to stop you from entering a Hashut aligned tech priest from the greebly dankness of the far footure. Maybe your sorcerer/priest has an entourage of Familiars and daemon possessed hookahs to keep his machinations whirring and inspiration flowing.

Grumble what about hobgoblins grumble. It’s greenskin-tober and you all have not been forgotten. Doubtless you all have better ideas and supporting fan fiction for Hobgoblin shamans and their ill fated attempts to master the sorcerous arts. But wait, this contest also runs past the Holiday season, maybe some naughty hobgoblin servants doing classic hobgoblin mess-arounds with Zhanta’s Daemonsmithing equipment. Don’t forget @denelian5 has kindly donated this wonderful piece available to decorate your language tree this season.

Or you could come up with anything else entirely, as long as it relates to Chaotic Dwarf lesser sorcerers or Hashut/Chaos-aligned apprentices and followers. This is a relatively open format so hopefully folks can pick up and finish a project to get painted miniatures to the table or work on an art idea they’ve been neglecting. There are no quantity restrictions so enter as much or as little as you would like. Let your imagination run wild and be welcome to surprise us all with weird interpretations!

Let’s close out this rant with a bit of song for holiday cheer, everyone’s favorite sorcerous carol:
A is for Asscannons engineered in the lab
B is for Bowls with two feet and scuttling crab
C is for Cutthroats stealing scrolls with a stab
D is for Daemonsmiths scribing runes on stone slab
E is for Everything changed when the fire nation attacked…

Subject: Hammer and Sorcery
The Due Date: 11:59 PM January 23rd, 2025 EST (Eastern Time Zone)

Please read the full rules that apply to the Artisan’s Contests before submitting your entry.

All entries must be sent to the @GoldenHat account no later than the due date. (Entrants have approximately 13 weeks to complete entries). If for some reason you are having trouble with your submission, contact @Reaver since the @GoldenHat account has limited monitoring. In order to avoid problems, entrants should not wait until the last minute to submit their entries.

How to Enter
Submissions should include up to 4 pictures of your miniature creation.

Upload and send your entry images with this forum’s direct upload function (preferred) in a PM to @GoldenHat (a special user that all Staff have access to). Any images uploaded to the Internet, e.g. with Imgur will need to be inserted in image form into the PM anyway (see below).

If you win:

  • Walk across the backs of the cowed masses you have scorned and pushed aside, in order to take your place at the top in the vaunted Artisan’s Contest Gallery.
  • Receive the Artisan’s Contest medal for your online persona.
  • Win miniatures! See above for details.

Once all entries are received a thread will be created for voting and determining the winners!

If there are any general questions it is best post them here so that everyone can benefit from any details or clarifications that may arise. If you have a question on whether or not your specific entry fits. The answer is probably yes, it fits… but feel free to reach out to @Reaver if you have further questions.

Should you wish to donate a prize to this or future contests, please PM @Reaver and he will sort it out with you and the Staff. Note that prizes do not need to be exclusively miniatures.

Good luck everyone!
The Staff


Oh my goodness, what a contest! I’ll have to think hard about it and then probably reach into my bag of tricks to create something useful. :thinking:


I shall enter quietly and leave violently if i dont claim my own price-minis back!!!


Oh, this looks fun. As I have a bit of free time since a long time, I’m going to do an effort to enter something this round.

Now just to think about actually “what”…


so the general idea is when a prophet is getting its power or similar. i already have something dumb as fuck in mind. i only need to be able to visualize it properly ahuhuahuahuahu


The threads of a not completely ridiculous idea are forming. Perhaps I’ll even have time to participate.


I’m still waiting for my order from the UK … :mad:


Hope to see you enter! The Artisan’s oven is preheated for another Jackswift Soufflé

Still two months left!


We shall see. Life has not been cooperative for painting and gaming lately. But I do miss chopping random stuff up to make them into something completely different. Still gestating ideas… But have a few somewhat interesting ones.

Here’s to getting your models and bits in time!


There’s a new Bitz & Chitz episode to fuel the artisan’s forge.


Pushing the due date 2 weeks to give folks some extra time after the holiday shopping season to work on their entries!


Make sure entering this Artisan’s Contest is on your New Year’s resolution list! There’s still over 3 weeks left to enter!


Still here, and still not turned to Stone. literally just chipping away at my entry.


How did you know my pet name for @Loidrial ?!


Had to say I let myself go. Much more hairy than usual
Must have been Christmas


I take it pretty much anyone is free to join in with this, even multiple entries?


One entry per user @lgmdaniel but yes - everyone is welcome :slight_smile:


Get your entries in folks! Less than 10 days until the deadline!

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I think mine should be in the special inbox iirc


So be it. I will participate.