Nice ideas! Great enthusiasm, people.
We’re certainly going to recycle old themes, particularly ones for standard things like Chaos Dwarf warriors, Hobgoblins and so on. Stuff likely to show up in most armies. Next GH will be such a comp.
As to having the contest revolve around a common miniature, the very first Golden Hat in 2007 (before my time) kicked off that way: Convert a Battle for Skull Pass Dwarf into a Chaos Dwarf.
The proposal to have a contest where everyone who wanted to enter bought a Flaming Taurus and did something with it, did come up for GH XXXI, but was changed into open interpretation of the theme Flaming Taurus instead so as to potentially welcome more people to enter. The problem is that such a competition is more exclusive, and may result in fewer entrants since the strictures doesn’t sit well with everyone’s vision for their collection. E.g. some big hat purist or 3rd edition style Chaos Dwarf collectors (or anyone banned from buying more minis by their spouse) may sit it out, whereas a more open theme would have seen them enter. Especially now that there is such a wide range of miniatures available to us, that there wasn’t back in 2007.
Still, we could sure try it for a change if there is popular demand: It would probably be a 4-6 week deadline so as to not take up too much time as a contest slot for anyone who isn’t interested in an event about a particular miniature. Be welcome to discuss it in a thread of its own somewhere on the forum and see if there is interest for it (or against it) and agree on a particular miniature (Reaper Bones sound like a good idea), and we could perhaps have it as the second next modelling contest. We should always be open to experiment.
Next Artisan’s is likely going to be an art contest, by the way. Trying to get one in yearly if possible.