Lovely spirit and artworks, folks! There was a lot to laugh over, to admire and to be inspired by. The sheer variety of styles was great to see, and rewarding to watch closer!
@forgefire : Astounding artwork! I love it. Gold for sure.
@Loidrial : Madman!
@MichaelX : Eye-catching drawing in a difficult medium!
@Oxymandias : Great portrait, as always!
@denelian5 : Great stuff! Now that’s how top 3 looks like, unlike my quick stuff.
Also denelian, can you by any chance get it scanned (or re-photographed in a carefully straight angle), and give us permission to use it as an illustration for some Chaos Dwarf story? Due credit always given.
@Jamros : Very fine sportgobs! Great stuff.
@Vapo : Impressive impression! Do you plan to add more shading to the characters? I think it could pop wonderfully if you do. At any rate, it’s a memorable piece as it stands. Well done!
There was lots of good stuff, both cool and fun. Great work everyone! And remember to never be afraid to enter.
As to my own medal, this is the second time in a row where I just doodled something quick in under 4 hours on the last day to enter, just to participate, and woke up to a bag of votes when there were far more meticulous entries I expected to place high. What the hell…! A surprise to be sure. Thank you everyone who voted for it. I am still in a state of surprise!
The list of stories in need of illustrations is as long as my arm, but boxes are being ticked off, in a Dwarven tempo. In this case, for Songs.