Bas's painting goes ever on and on... [BATG 2024]

Time to finally start my BATG 2024 topic, even though a month has already passed.

I did paint in the last month, but I didn’t have time to make a new topic yet!

So lets go 2024!

My plans:

  • Paint up an evil MESBG army. This should be easy, since I’m in an Escalation league again and I’ll have deadlines throughout the first half of the year. I’m going for a Far Harad army, so elite Camel riders and Half-Trolls (and not a horde army again). Chance of succes: 99%

  • Paint up a Malifaux crew. A bit of a cheat, since most of the work has already been done in January. Also, another Escalation League, so should be able to work some models from my pile. Chance of succes: 99%

  • Paint up an Old World army. Not really hyped about the game right now, but a friend is hosting a tournament in April so I should finish an army. Not really interested in re-basing, and I have a bunch of Dogs of War models in my pile, so Tilean Empire? Chance of succes: 50%?

  • Paint up a Conquest army. A friend is hyping me up for this game. Not that many mini’s, and Orcs on dinosaurs? Not sure if I can resist. Probably a higher chance of happening, even though these won’t come from my pile… Chance of succes: 66%?

  • Painting more Tyranids. I love playing 40k at the moment, and still have a bunch more models to do. Lets see if I can get myself in the mood for painting more blue and purple ;p Chance of succes: 85%?

Now a couple more random goals:

  • Paint up the Horizon Zero Dawn boardgame. A leftover from last year. I’d love to get this set painted up, but not sure when/if I have time for this. Chance of succes: 22,7%?

  • Paint up some Walking Dead: All out War models. I love this game, in theory. I own way too many models for it, but have never played a game. Then again, don’t play with unpainted models. Love to give this a shot. Chance of succes: 47,3%?

  • Paint up the 40k Boarding Actions terrain set. A supercool set of terrain, and I recently played a game of Boarding Actions and that was fun as well. Shouldn’t take too long, but how much do I love drybrushing a pile of plastic? Chance of succes: 31,9%?

Lets see how far I get this year. Hope you enjoy the ride!


January flashback pt. 1:

So at the end of January I had a Ninth Age tournament (probably the last one now that Old World is here?). The plan was to play with the new Goblin list, but for that I needed a new unit; Gogtuk Initiates (basically elite Goblins). So I got to work:

Also painted up a couple of Big Shrooms for a magic Goblin Forest. Unfortunately most of the parts used for these Goblins were gifted to me, so count as added to the pile :cry:

Bought and added to the pile: 20 (+20)

Painted models: 20 (+20)
Painted scenery: 3 (+3)

Current Score: -3


Another small January update:

As I said in the first post, a friend is trying to convince me to play Conquest, so he got me a few models.

So I painted up a Wadhrun Predator:

And a special edition Christmas model?

Bought and added to the pile: 22 (+2)

Painted models: 22 (+2)
Painted scenery: 3

Current Score: -3


Another little January update.

I was very late, but I finally finished my Secret Santa gift for @Zanko !

I first sculpted this model together with his brother in checks old topic September 2011? Yikes. Back then he looked like this:

His brother got painted:

But this model ended up in my bitsbox, partially finished, for quite some years. This was a good excuse to finally paint him up. But I wasn’t happy with the sculpt anymore, so updated it for Zanko!

He made some pictures for his own blog, but here are mine:

Quite like how he turned out, so it was a bit sad to see him go…

But maybe this is the time to start a new/updated Chaos Dwarf Ogre army? Sell the old army, start a new one? Hmm… Unfortunately Ogres are not officially a part of the Old World.

Bought and added to the pile: 22

Painted models: 23 (+1)
Painted scenery: 3

Current Score: -4

@Loidrial Look I finally made another Chaos Dwarf Ogre! ;p


AAAAAAAA UNBELIEVABLE! I’m possibly the happiest around here to see your beautiful work on those amazing conversions!
If you wanna sell them I’ll give you my address ahuahaua
Or even ask for a commission of a singular one! I’d love to have one of your models in my collection!
Man you are a rockstar


After this little flashback I was in a nostalgic mood, so I re-uploaded all pictures in my old Big Hat Ogres topic!


Another random update; I painted a small Malifaux crew.

These gals have been in my pile of potential for years, and it was nice to finally paint them up! Still have some additions ready to paint, but not sure when I’ll get to them…

Bought and added to the pile: 22

Painted models: 31 (+8)
Painted scenery: 3

Current Score: -12 (-8)


Small little update, just to show I’m still alive ;p

Yesterday I played my first Old World tournament using my Boar Boys army. Still not convinced by the game, but at least these boys got some play again.

For most models I used base adapters, but I had a sudden burst of inspiration and paint up an old mounted Shaman I still have on my to do pile:

Fun little project, and it even inspired me to convert up a mounted BSB (which I’m working on now).

Bought and added to the pile: 22

Painted models: 32 (+1)
Painted scenery: 3

Current Score: -13 (-1)


Another small update:

Recently me and some friends went to the opening of a new Wargaming store. We basically went there to play some Conquest or at least buy some minis, but in the end we were seduced by some Moonstone.

Ofcourse I ended up with a couple of Goblins:

This was the most fun I had painting in a long time, so there might be some more from this game in the future!

Saturday we’re going to play our first game, so lets hope the game is just as fun!

Bought and added to the pile: 26 (+4)

Painted models: 36 (+4)
Painted scenery: 3

Current Score: -13


Another small update.

My gaming group started a Frostgrave campaign. I own a Halfling crew for this game, but years ago when talking about it we hatched a plan. Since it’s miniature agnostic, why not use a Star Trek away team as a crew?

So yeah, I updated the Star Trek figures I painted up a couple of years ago. Added new snowy bases and painting in the eyes.

I also added some new figures. One of my spells is Illusionary Soldier, basically a ghost soldier… or a hologram. So I build up the EMH/Doctor from Voyager:

And for this game you always need some free soldiers in the form of Thiefs and Thugs. Again, the choice was obvious. So I sculpted some Ferengi to use as Thiefs:

And some Klingons as Thugs:

And more Klingons as Infantrymen (Great Weapon warriors):

I also painted up some Borg I had lying around to use as random monsters (Zombies/Skeletons):

I couldn’t resist building a little Starship door, the door to the Holodeck:

So this is my crew now:

Captain Picard as Illusionist Wizard
Commander Riker as apprentice
3 Ferengi as Thiefs
1 Klingon as Thug
2 random Starfleeters as Archers
Mr. Worf as Barbarian
Dr. Crusher as Apothecary
EMH as Illusionary Soldier

Bought and added to the pile: 26

Painted models: 53 (+17)
Painted scenery: 4 (+1)

Current Score: -31


Some more random minis painted these month!

A couple more Frostgrave pics.

Full gang:

Better pic of the Ferengi Thiefs:

Painted up a Q as… Genie in the Bottle or something? idk I had the model ;p

And made some Wound Dials for my Wizard and Apprentice:

And then I painted up the Player Characters from the boardgame Mice & Mystics. I bought this game many many years ago, and always had the plan to paint them up. Guess this was finally the moment:

The material isn’t the best. Weird rubbery bendy plastics. Game models have come a long way over the last few years…

I also added a printed figure for the wizard’s bug and for a NPC mouse child:

Bought and added to the pile: 26

Painted models: 62 (+9)
Painted scenery: 6 (+2)

Current Score: -42


To complete the basegame, I finished up the minis for the minions:

And some in game shots:

Now on to the expansions! Maybe I’ll save those for later…

Bought and added to the pile: 26

Painted models: 78(+16)
Painted scenery:6

Current Score: -58 (-16)


So… I’ve been lazy. Not on the painting front, but I didn’t get to the important bit; sharing pictures!

Here are a couple of posts filled with my production of the past 1,5 month.

Starting in July I had an Old World tournament. Still not really feeling the game, but I was looking forward to building an Orc BSB on boar. Here he is:

He’s a big boy!

I also repainted some Wolf Boys to match this army. Added some bows since spear+bow isn’t an option anymore.

Bought and added to the pile: 26

Painted models: 84(+6)
Painted scenery:6

Current Score: -64 (-6)


Up next, same weekend next day, was a MESBG tournament. The conclusion to our Escalation League. So I had to finish 650 pts of Far Harad.

I haven’t shared any pics of these guys during the campaign since I’m not fully happy with them. Feel like they still need a contrast colour or some freehands somewhere. But this is where they’re at for now…

12 Far Harad Raiders + King + Chieftain:

And the dismounts (or alternatively just foot warriors) plus a group of Half Trolls:

Bought and added to the pile: 64 (+38)

Painted models: 122(+38)
Painted scenery:6

Current Score: -64


Then the next weekend was a 40k doubles tournament. Only my 2nd 40k tournament and I still have to get a feel for the ‘meta’. Me and my partner brought nice thematic balanced lists (character, some basic troops), but all of our opponents just fielded the biggest, hardest models they could field. The winners of the tournament had an army with 2x World Eater, both with Angron as their leader… :cold_sweat:

So fun game, but I think I’m too old for these tournaments ;p

I brought a Tyranid sneaky swarm. These are the new additions:


Von Ryans Leapers:

Old school Space Hulk (?) Genestealers:

Together with a cute Broodlord:

And some sneaky Ravagers (with new FAQ they count as sneaky boys so I had to bring them!):

Bought and added to the pile: 65 (+1)

Painted models: 140(+18)
Painted scenery:6

Current Score: -81 (-17)


And finally, to complete the set, I played a game of Age of Sigmar. First game ever, a friend convinced me to finish up a Kruleboyz Spearhead. I painted up the basic troops when the 3rd edition set came out, so I was nearly done.

A fun little project. And I really liked the Spearhead format for quick little game, so I bought the map pack/terrain set (and ofcourse converted this up to match my boys). Also dug up some more Kruleboyz to maybe finally finish a 1.000 pts army?

The terrain set, with some close ups:


Bannerboy (forgot the AoS name):

And my Leader:

Also painted up some random models I started years ago:

Kill boss with little Grot friend:

And a little Pot Grot (alternative model from the Gobbopalooza):

Bought and added to the pile: 69 (+4)

Painted models: 145(+5)
Painted scenery: 10 (+4)

Current Score: -86 (-5)


Sorry for the spam ;p

Hope you like all the pictures.


Mixing tyranid editions done masterfully here! The orc BSB is also very impressive!

Another long due post, because I’ve been lazy in sharing my stuff.

Not too lazy in production though!

First of all we finished our Frostgrave campaign.

It was loads of fun and I painted up a random Gorn to use as a minor Demon to summon:

After that I played in my first Blood Bowl tournament. Nothing new here, but it was fun to dust of my Halflings:

Also played a bunch of Old World. Not too sure about the game, but I love that it draws new people to tournaments and stuff!

So I updated the bases for my Goblins (this is the before, didn’t make any ‘after’):

And started work on my Empire/Dogs of War army:

Then a friend threw a Fallout warband my way, so I had to paint that:

And finally my group started a new campaign: Old World Minihammer!
Every player started with the same army (Warriors of Chaos), but gets to add a new unit every game.

So I started on my first units:

And then me and some friends went on a quick roadtrip to Italy! It was loads of fun and of course we brought our armies to play a quick Minihammer game in our van on top of an Austrian mountain:

And when we were in Italy I couldn’t resist; I had to put some paint on Tileans in Tilea! Wish I could’ve stayed on that bench for the rest of the day, but alas we had to move on…

So yeah, loads of fun. Thanks for reading my diary ;p

Bought and added to the pile: 110 (+41)

Painted models: 192 (+47)
Painted scenery: 10

Current Score: -92 (-6)


Added some great minihammer to the variety! Always something new to look at here. And a pretty good score coming to the end of the year.

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