How it turned out in the end
If anyone would like the STL, hit me up
Wtf just realized I’m missing the chains!
How it turned out in the end
If anyone would like the STL, hit me up
Wtf just realized I’m missing the chains!
Absolutely awesome! I’m one that would like to get the STL. Is it possible to buy it/download it in any platform?
He said to ask him for it in the last message.
Wow! So you’ve done this in some image-to-object AI program?
Yeah precisely, you can view / download here:
It looks a bit like a Christmas tree ornament. Some odd choices it made around the wheels. Are you planning to clean it up and release it?
Some identifiable guns would be sweet!
Thanks. I made a small test
Ok that’s insane that you can even do that! But I have to say that I’m very much against using AI generated images for anything but inspiration (except portraits for NWN and BG, it does those really good).
It’d need heavy modification before being a proper Iron Daemon, as others mentioned. The cab was always dumb, and the wheels look too train like.
Assuming you could print something like this, I’m sure even just having the general silhouette would be amazing material to help you kitbash one, I’m really amazed at how far AI has come, you can even download it as an obj. file which would allow you to use it in tabletop simulator.
well, I have some sculptor friends and they said this is awesome for building the general shape, and then it’s easier to just make the details, instead of ccreating the whole shape from scratch.
@Vacationist I like checking capabilities of AI but don’t really use it too much.
That being said, this specific tool I used is actually super good if image is pretty simple, I turned a Toca Boca character into stl in 5 minutes that was printable and sharp, daughter is happy
this is great - the aesthetic is definitely the vibe I’m looking for for my classic/brawniac/fabelzel chorf army. if you’re willing to share the stl I’d be happy to add it to my army!
Do it. Make sure to post a pic of the print.