Chaos Dwarf Radio: The Brazen Broadcast #2

Hahaha ive been outed at a pointy eared elf lover. Bully @Jasko please he’s got more elves than me. Or @Admiral his brothers an elf fanatic so he’s guilty by association. I’m innocent I tell you! Innocent!!!


Way to throw me under the Iron Daemon :angry:


The closest I ever got to an elf is actually my everlasting nickname.
Idrial was at the time a badass elf ranger character on a play station 2 LotR game.
Few months later I was starting to register in different sites (I was 15ish y/o) and that name stucked in my head.
Started to play a bit with it then liked Loidrial as result ever since


You know what, folks? Chaos Dwarfs and High Elves have a lot in common. They both wear scale armour, have high helmets, are arrogant and view everyone else as dirt, and their lords ride winged monsters.

They are practically identical. :hatoff:

@TheHoodedMan mentioned an invitation to a witch pyre party over on old CDO when I pointed this out the first time.

Great going with the Brazen Broadcast, crew! Wonderful efforts and results. :beer:


So many consecutive elf messages, I’m just going to stay beneath the waves on this one and observe with my periscope. Let me know when it’s safe to resurface.
:hat4: .
__:eyes: __
:tower5: .
:ocean: :ocean: :ocean:
:tower7: .
:head1: .

That being said I did paint a high elf thing once. The exiled prince’s boat from Dreadfleet. I know, I KNOW here I go again with the “It’s like X but with pirates” comment. throws piece of eight into the empty rum cask … I dare say I probably learned a few things painting those clean (icky) lines, off white tones, and royal(ly awful) blue sails. Definitely plenty to be said for stepping outside your comfort zone to improve at painting, so in service of that even elves have their uses!


Just to ensure everyone knows where they stand, I own zero Elves.


I suppose I shouldn’t acknowledge that I have roughly 4K points of mostly long OOP Dark Elves. Was my first WHFB army. I have on a few occasions when I didn’t have enough pts painted, fielded them as allies with my Dark Dwa… err… Chaos Dwarfs… he says as he lifts his shield to fend of the thrown rocks and goblins. My gaming group is painted models only on the table.


I can live with Dark Elves, they are suitably malicious to make up for their pointy ears.


They are good candidates for slaanesh. And myself, being a Nurgle chosen, I despise both


Due to the seafaring black arks they get a vote of least objectionable elves from me


I built a Dark Elf black ship once (close to 20 years ago now). Was my first ever scratch-build. Still have it, but it suffered some damage in moving. I should repair and rework it for battle against my CD Submersible. Not a black "ark"mind you, just a raider, but fun to build though simpler than the stuff I do now. Hmm…

Sorry we are sooooo… off topic now… um… right… But, seriously, great podcast what I’ve listened to so far, first 26 minutes.:+1::clap:


There. Back on track.


I am 100% with you there :smiley:
Would love to see your Nurgle models some time, I am very found of Papa’s legions of rot!

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How long until we hear the gang back together for another episode? My podcasts are running low and I don’t want to listen to the garage hammer review of tamurkhan for the 10th time :slight_smile:


Hi @IronHaiden ,

This Saturday we release a special where we discuss the golden hat entries.

The 3rd edition hasn’t been planned yet but it won’t be very long either, I expect within a week or two.


Awesome look forward to it