@rollforwounds has made a really cool warhammer reference card system. I have used this template to copy over the stats and options for Warhammer Armies Project 8th Ed Book and added a bit of artwork stolen from our website and the wider web.
Within the folder you will also find an editable version in Excel format so that you can swap art for pictures of your own models and even rename cards after your own heroes before printing. (Also you can fix my inevitable typos!) Also in this folder is the font i used on these cards in case you do have it already.
The only cards I didnt make were special characters as personally I never use them. However if another user feels like taking the excel file and making cards for them I can add them in. Same goes for if anyone wanted to make a 9th ed or ravening hordes version of these cards, we could host here also.
You’ve done the Lord’s work formatting these, thanks @Oxymandias ! I wonder how different these are to 9th Ed; I’m sure a pencil scribbling or two will make them usable in both editions. Wonderful work. I hope to follow (someday) with a similar roster for Orcs and Goblins!
Well we’ve already houserulled 3xmarch into can’t be March blocked, so don’t think it’d be unreasonable to add in the ‘lesser’ bull centaurs from the 9th book (adjusting the armour options).
I don’t get it, how would Bull Centaurs be cavalry? They have no mount, if anything they’d be rider and mount combined?! What would be the advantage of having them be (monstrous, surely?) cavalry?