Chaos Dwarf Renegade Culture Project

It doesn’t seem to work that way. It seems that chaos dwarfs summon and bind daemons as slaves. Slaves to machines or suits of armour etc.It’s quite a different relationship to that of other chaos worshipers and daemons


Yesss we are the masters…they are the tools…


Understandably. I assumed the demons used in those processes were stolen from Nurgle or Khorne or Tzeentch or Slaanesh

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Yeah or generic daemons and daemons of lesser powers. Like furies and such. It’s a big old warp. Lots to choose from haha

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Imagine being a bloodthirsty and being dragged into the mortal realm only to have a cannon shoved up your arse.


Actually @Ihsan997 penned a short story on this subject haha. Well worth a read.

This should be somewhere in our booklet ^


Totally read it, and loved it!

When I said

It’s because I was sure I read somewhere that demons are essentially parts of the chaos gods, made manifest.

“Each daemon is a splinter of his divine master, a distorted reflection of mortal yearning, a shard of emotion and dark desire given form and license to destroy. Thus does every daemon reflects something of his master’s presence and personality.”
From the wiki

But also:

“Daemons of Hashut are creatures of metal, darkness and fire.”
Also wiki. I’m guessing this is the kdaii

Not saying wiki is reliable tho.

Either way, as Hashut is a minor god, can he still churn out greater demons?

Daemon binding (except ass cannons) seems to come in with Hashut. If the Renegades worshipped Khorne or any of the Ruinous powers they should be able to summon Daemons. Of course Daemons being made of pure magic have the shape that mortal minds create for them so Dwarf Daemons/Walrus Daemons yay go for it. Also if they worship the ruinous powers then they can have Daemon Dwarf Princes! Of course ass cannons would be daemons from one of the other Ruinous powers. Probably not welcome in a chaos undivided army. Although it being chaos… if you are stupid enough to get caught you deserve your fate.

I don’t see Walhut as a Shard the creatures/entity/concept that is Khorne/Nurgle/Hashut etc is indivisible but may be worshipped in different aspects/guises. Just coz GW doesn’t want to make a huge variety of lesser daemons does not mean there aren’t any.

Hashut is different. In many ways more similar to the Horned Rat. The rat doesn’t have daemons but he does have verminlotds…why wouldn’t Hashut have something similar?


Oh I am all over this. Nice find!

(The captain walrus thing, that is)

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Just thinking, if Hashut has bull centaurs and K’daii, then Walhut…



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Canonically there’s been no mention of Greater Daemons of Hashut. My fan canon is to make the Baalrûkh from 3rd ed Hashut’s greater daemons, but that’s just personal fun.

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From my understanding, Verminlords are demons. Not of the greater variety tho.

I don’t know if they (Verminlords) are greater Daemons officially but they is pretty mean and similar points cost to GUO and Blood thirster

Maybe K’Daii destroyer is Hashuts Greater Daemon equivalent just not able to manifest for long periods

Still then if you play Walhuti as counts as LoA you need a K’Daii destroyer equivalent… what would that look like???

Or if you play renegades as counts as LoA same question

If you played eg aRenegade Khorne counts as army then what would their daemons look like

Soo much fun to be had

On a fluff point maybe K’Daii aren’t bound unwillingly into their ‘armour’ but need help manifesting and that is provided by the DZ

That’s a fantastic point. I think maybe Huashut doesn’t have dedicated demons because of the demon binding mechanic.

Walhut would be too easy to have ogre sized walrus men. They already got minis for em

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Khorne juggernauts are incorporated by my 3rd ed style army. Seems fitting to me. Part beast/ daemon, part machine.
The type of daemons i want for my army are like that one from those old paint sets in the 90s. Weird blending experiments like possessed rat ogres or mutated ogres maybe
The golden daemon award i think was it too
I basically want zodd the immortal as my big kdaii (id prob never really use it in game though)


Doing some necromancy here, but just reading back through these posts and seeing all the potential here. Anyone do any thinking on this stuff lately?


Yeah not something I’ve thought about for a while - but I should. There were some really cool ideas out together