Dwarvish Mesopotamia

Sorry about the late reply. It’s pretty easy, although I kept the kneepads on. I imagine removing them would be pretty difficult, but just shaving the lightning bolts off shouldn’t be hard.

Also there will be new pictures soon. Once I can take some detailed shots of my new and improved stuff.

Picture time!


Here we have a re-do of my Taurukh Anointed. I used the new Chaos Knights for the lower half (higher detail than the old ones). And for the torso, I used 40K Ogryn armour. The shoulderpads are Stormcast, and the faceplate is from a Talos. I have since added a mace for the weapon, but am not sure where I will get shields that are big enough…

Next up is my Overlord.


This guy is quite the mix & match. I used a Hammerer for the lower half of the body, and widened it. The torso is one of the Fyrsylr (I can’t spell it) characters, and the hat is a Hammerer one but turned around and with horns pinned in.

The weapon is from a Slaanesh Daemon Prince, and the shoulderpads from Helllstriders. And that absolute UNIT of a shield is from a Chaos Knight champion.

Here is one of my Giants.


This was a lot less work than the other models. It’s a Slaanesh Daemon Prince, but with scale-mail sculpted around his hips, a beard, and his weapon replaced with a Dragon Ogre hand weapon. In his other hand will be a LotR Isengard Troll shield, but it won’t go on until after he is sprayed.

Some basic Infernal Warriors now.


This is again, a more simple conversion. Bodies are Hammerers (all my dwarves incorporate them somehow, to make the army more uniform), and the heads are Black Guard. Although I will be filling in the elvish on their foreheads.

Weapons are axes from the fyrslayer infantry, pinned of course for extra strength. And I won’t be adding shoulderpads, to give them a different silhouette to the rest of my infantry. Speaking of…

I re-did my Immortals.


Here you can see I, again, used the Hammerer as a base, but kept the Blood Bowl dwarf face-plate. The spear is from the Dark Elf spearmen, and that fantastic shield is from the new Chaos Warriors/Knights.

Interestingly his shoulderpads are the inside of Stormcast arms. Smoothed down with a file to give them a perfectly round look.

And that’s all for now! Stay turned for my Slaves, as they are nearing completion…and I made a small adjustment that makes them look far better.


Amazing conversions here @Tyranno - I’m especially into the Sylleske conversion - inspired.

Looking forward to seeing more!

(Ps thanks for the pigs mate :pig2:)

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Back with a bang eh! Great conversions. Ive never thought of using elves for chaos dwarves, heresy!

Nice one


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That immortal is just perfect, very inspiring conversions.

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Really epic stuff here. Loving the tower shields especially

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where did you get so many wrack heads!

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Either from bits sites, or I bought the box of Wracks (you get like, 15 heads in a box of 5) and converted them into Frankenstein-esque Ghouls for a friend.


Your models are really working well for the theme. Some really well thought out and executed conversions. Keep em comin!


EXcellent! In particular I love the Vulcano cannons and crew. They are amazing!

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Woah i didnt see this thread! It s outstanding!!


Here is the promised picture of the updated Slave.

I decided to go with both hands strapped to a large shield. Which is very close to historically accurate of all things…


Surprise! Thought I was done? We ain’t finished yet…


Infernal Bastion/Juggernaught. Model is 100% built now and ready to roll.

For anyone curious, the base model is a historical Assyrian Siege Tower. Yes I am shocked something so specific was made into a model as well…


Immortals, sans musician (coming later). Only thing missing is the banner top, other than that these are finished as well.


Some less finished stuff. A Prophet riding a Chariot. Still needs some tusks on the mount and something to go on top of the harness. But otherwise done.


This may just be a unit filler for my slaves, but it was a lot of fun to make and design. There was a lot for inspiration from Morrowind in this model (and I guess throughout the whole unit). Specifically the Guars from said game.

If anyone is curious where the mount is from, it’s a Dewback from Star Wars Legion.


And lastly a Prophet on a palanquin. It still needs more detail, specifically some statues I want to place on the far edges of the seat. Also, the platform and mage are not glued to each other or the Hobgoblins haha. But the former is on purpose. I want to spray with enough freedom to paint the Hobgoblins.

Feel free to ask any questions!


Love these!

In particular the immortals are great. It’s sort of intimidating how many kits you’d have to buy do to do a set, though…

the gobbos holding up the palanquin - are they stormvermin with night gobbo heads instead of gnoblars?


You would be amazed how well I utilise parts from different kits to get what I need haha. Also I trade and buy from bits shops when I can.

Correct! I dislike the body-shape of the Night Goblins, so I made something more believable.

Interested to see how those feet paint up!

I’ve got a huge number of gutter runner torsos for filling out my vanilla-gobbo regiments. Using stormvermin is dead interesting. I wonder how the torsos would go on goblin wolfrider legs.

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If you want to make mounted Hobgoblins, the stormvermin still work. You just need to cut the legs off, trim the fur on the inside leg, do a little trimming on the back of the leg. Then pin the stormvermin to the wolf of choice (I use Wargs or the new Wolf Riders), and glue the legs to the side of the mounts fur.

Using mounted legs from a different goblin might make something more out of scale.

this is still the most original thread ever.
man i love it! :chaos1:


Thanks :smiley:

Quick question to everyone who reads this. I am looking for a realistic bull model that fits a 50x50 base. Anyone know a good one?

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Highlight with vodka, works a charm!

Not v helpful i know…but hopefully gave you a laugh :smiley: