Dwarvish Mesopotamia

Have you started painting any of these lovely converted models yet tyranno?

Yes and no. I have some I painted a while back, but most of the rest I have not.

This is not due to laziness, but due to me trying to get through a model backlog I have built up over the years. So I am using the lockdown to get through as many as possible, then when itā€™s over I will spray what I have done.

So for example while I may have not sprayed any since I posted the pictures, I have finished many models. Like Immortals, Chariots, Slavesā€¦and a bunch of models for other armies. It takes a while to get these done, as when converting you constantly have to go over models to see if anything has been missed before you ā€œtick it offā€.

I also like to paint models somewhat together. It reduces the paint drying in the potsā€¦and stops me forgetting what the colour scheme wasā€¦


Wicked stuff here! My top choices are the crew of Magma Cannon, the siege tower/Juggernaut and the filler for the slave unit :cd1991gif:

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Stupid thing to say, but those hard plastic animal toys more often than not can offer some solid base if repainted, and the size usually fits those 50mm bases


I have thought about them. The only problem is the ones sold around here are really flexible plastic, some even struggling under their own weight.

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Thank you!

The cannon crew have actually had an update recently. I gave them all armoured tunics.


Great conversions, simply great!

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New pictures time! Not a whole lot this wave, but some stuff thatā€™s rather unusualā€¦

Doot doot! I wanted my Immortals musician to actually use his trumpet, so I had him hold the face-plate of his mask in one hand, while blowing the instrument in the other. Still needs a shield on his back though.

Hobgoblin Bolt-Thrower.

To keep with the theme of my Hobgoblin models, I used a historical Roman scorpion and covered up the Roman symbols with a pair of animal jawbones from the Temple Guard kit. I then used a thin strip of greenstuff and a knife to sculpt in some rope to attach them and cover up the last of the symbols.

Hobgoblins seen here are just for scale and are not attached.

As I said earlier, the flamethrower has had a slight update to its crew. In that I chopped them off at the waist and gave them armoured tunics. I feel this makes them fit a Mesopotamian look better, and makes more sense. Shoe-less feet on metal right above a furnace is a recipe for burned soles.

And now for something I am a bit iffy on. Iā€™ve been working on these Taurukhs for a while, but I cannot tell if I like them or not. Iā€™m happy with the torso and up, but the lower half feels too smallā€¦but at the same time I am happy I found a lower body that does not have a saddle. Am I crazy in thinking the lower bodies are too small? Or should I stop while I am this far in and find something with more heft?

Thank you all for continuing to come back to my thread. If you have any questions how I do what I do, then please feel free to ask away :slight_smile: .


Beautiful sculpture.


Great conversions as usual. Looking at your centaur. The body seems ok for the horse lower body. I think the arm thickness is possibly whats making the legs seem too thin? You could experment with slimer arms maybe?
Or just thicken up the legs and put body armour on the lower part if you arent quite happy.

All your stuff is great in my opinion though


I relly love your conversions, very inspirational. Still trying to recognize Citadel Guardā€™s shoulder pads (the one in the first photo of the topic), where they come from? And, for the Taurukhs (the little ones), what did you use for the heads? I see Wrackā€™s masks, but canā€™t recognize the horned heads behind them. Thanks

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The shoulderpads are wrist-pads from the Blood Bowl Chosen haha. Very random part to use.

The back of the heads are the Bloodreavers. I specifically use the heads which have their eyes bulging, as I hate that face and almost enjoy cutting it off :stuck_out_tongue:


Wow, I would never been able to recognize them :sweat_smile: it works greatly btw

Thank you!

And yeah itā€™s being used in a totally different part of the body and at a different angle. I only got the idea with some I had sitting around that I used out of curiosity.

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Behold! Paint!

Yes it is only the first coat for the armour, but itā€™s better than nothing!

In fact I finished a lot of models and sprayed them recently. So once more of them are done, I should have them up here.

Also do check out the 9th Age Hobgoblin armybook. I spent a lot of time sweating over a hot keyboard writing that book haha!


A small thing as to why no updates for a bit. I have not only been busy, but when I sprayed my models I found them covered in a weird grit. I am not 100% sure what caused it, but a rough scrubbing from a toothbrush is solving the issueā€¦

Sadly I sprayed about 100 models, so this is going to take a whileā€¦yikes.


Ouch! Damn bad luck. Experiences like that are why I no longer spray minis. Hashutspeed and best wishes!

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Some primer and colour sprays can do that when either it is too cold or it could be the humidity. I can never remember which one.

Humidity is the worst . Then very hot weather due to the paint drying in the air, then extreme cold due to ā€¦ erā€¦ I forgot but I want to say low pressure in the canā€¦

At least as far as my experience goes

Humidity and heat were fine when I did it. I think it was because I was spraying just a little too far away from the models, something I will correct in the future.

But yeah itā€™s a horrible setback, especially when I have events planned at the end of next month and I have no idea yet what my list will look like (aka, no idea which models to prioritise).