EvilFuzzyDoom in "Clear that backlog!" [BATG 2022]

Well, I think I finally fell off the wagon.

I over the last month I’ve bought:

  • An Imperial Guard command squad +5
  • Five Orruk Brutes (to become Black Orcs) +5
  • The IG regimental advisors pack +3
  • Five Cawdor gangers (to finish the Sigmarite chariots, count as bits)
  • 17 Grots +17
  • A third Hellcannon crewman (yay!) +1
  • At least 30 Chaos Space Marines’ worth of bits to restock my depleted bits box (no pics, they’re in a tub already) +30

Total: +61

And I also have another rhino kit coming, but it hasn’t arrived, so it doesn’t count yet. Also also, I might have forgotten something, so if I find something else I’ll add it to the record.

In positive (sort of) news, though, the Astra Militarum codex news/leaks have me geared up to work on my Imperial Guard army. Here is the infantry:

You’ll note lots of gaps, those are for squads that I want to fill out with the current models before they’re discontinued.

I’ll certainly be buying the new Cadians box when it comes out, and I suspect after it does I’ll never want to touch an ‘02 Cadian again. I’ve had most of these models for about twenty years, and I WANT THEM FINISHED.

So, this is now an Imperial Gurd blog (I joke… mostly).

I’ve (re)painted 8 of them this month, with some more to come, I hope:

That puts me on +53 for this update.


BATG score: 102 :negative_squared_cross_mark:
Shame Golf score: -29 :white_check_mark: