Conclusions, 28 December 2022
Alright, I think that’s a wrap. I have sadly been whacked by a nasty chest infection since just before Christmas so I’m happy to call the year here. I have a few models on the painting table but I very much doubt I’ll be getting anything completed before the New Year strikes.
And the results are…
Final Scores
BATG and Shame Golf:
Models added: 386
Models painted: 243
Total BATG score: 143
New release penalties: 20
Gifts: 109
Models sold or given away: 13
Unit & boxset completion bonuses: 12
Total Shame Golf score: 29
Figure Case:
Remembering that these are “effort” painted, not just single miniatures.
Unassembled: 518 → 592 +74 net added
Assembled: 901 → 1061 +160 net assembled
In Progress: 356 → 283 -73 net primed or partly painted
Finished: 556 → 828 +272 completed
At year’s end, there’s a few models part-painted or undercoated, and I’ve sold a few over the year, but the total final painted is 243. With a mere 386 models added to the pile, my final BATG score is 143. It’s a positive failure - I’ve reached reverse Platinum, but fell 7 purchases short of 150. I shall have to try harder next year if I want that inverted Blackshard badge!
In seriousness though, I’m not at all dissatisfied. This has been easily and by far the most productive year I’ve ever spent on the miniature painting hobby, accounting for maybe a third of all the models I’ve ever painted! I absolutely count this as a success, even if, on the monthly figures, I’ve literally never been in the black as @chitzkoi says. Womp-womp!
This blog has been marvellous motivation, and updating the counts and posting about my progress has been almost as much fun as seeing my collection grow and fill out my display case! I will admit that I bit off quite a bit more than I can chew in terms of tracking, so next year’s blog will be a bit simpler. I think that having two separate scores, while a neat idea, was far too fiddly. It didn’t add all that much in the end. I think instead of all the fussing around with multiple tracking systems, I’ll be sticking to a single score-keeping manner next year. One in, one out, proper BATG style.
This year, I’ve had a lot of luck painting basic infantry, doing some rebasing, and some characters. Once I hit my stride, contrast paints were my friends. A lot of the models I got finished were already in progress - primed or at least assembled already - not to mention the ones that were “just” a rebase. Priming and assembling was a bit of a challenge, because the weather has been wrong for spray can primer most of the year and using an airbrush can be tortuous. My partner has gotten me a new airbrush, so hopefully that will smooth things a little. Meanwhile, ventilation has started to prove a bit of a problem in the way of assembly. I’m not sure how I’ll deal with that, but maybe the solution is to buy less minis (nah). At least basing isn’t the chokepoint it once was, now that I’ve found a quick system I like!
As a final reflection, almost all the models I got done this year were infantry on 25-40mm bases. There’s a lot of monsters, tanks and other large models in my backlog that I just couldn’t bring myself to get started on. I branched out a little with some Imperial Guard vehicles late in the game this year, so hopefully, I can change my ways in 2023 and make it the “Year of the Tank”!
Maybe it will also be a “year of the negative BATG score” but I guess we’ll have to see.
Thanks to everyone who viewed, liked, or commented in 2022. Here’s to next year!
Happy New BATG!