EvilFuzzyDoom in "Clear that backlog!" [BATG 2022]

It’s okay, nobody saw that!

I finished the Ogor Slaughtermaster up and got him looking mostly not like a 1900s racist caricature, which is something of an achievement. It is VERY hard not to make him look like a Golliwog.

I got the model secondhand and missing the chains he uses to haul the stewpot around, so I did some stuff with some jewellery chain as if he’s snapped free and is off to go murderise things. I also had to replace his right hand hook because it kept snapping off.

I actually got him mostly done yesterday evening but I figured three updates in one day was too much.

In between work fiddling, I speed-painted the last of my Nighthaunt Chainrasps, probably taking only an hour altogether.

They were a bit nasty, with some serious texture in places from a mediocre spray can undercoat. I cut out as many steps as I could, and now that I’ve got a big pot of Seraphim Sepia I can cut out a lot of messing around with the metals.

That brings me back into negative score territory. I’ve now bashed out most of the models I’d been planning to paint, so I’ll have to fossick through the collection a bit to figure out what’s next. A lot of what I’ve been doing has cleared out my undercoated pile, so there will probably be a lot of airbrushing in my near future!

Here’s where the scores sit with the Slaughtermaster counting for 5 effort:

BATG score: -2 :white_check_mark:
Shame Golf score: -128 :white_check_mark: