Fifty shapes darker [BATG 2023]


Got another 5 models currently en route to add to the pile, but “thank God” I’ll be unemployed in three weeks, so expect to have that rollercoster really make a dive to reach that coveted -1 at the end of the year :smiley:

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:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 5
:arrow_right: Total count: +73

Aaaaand here we are. Hope that’s it for the year…


:arrow_down: Painted models: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: +72

Finally took a step in the right direction again, albeit a small one.

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:arrow_down: Painted models: 10
:arrow_right: Total count: +62

Alright, we are in track. Painted something Hashuty again with the wonderful Horns of Hashut models.

I had a lot of fun with these models. I kept fairly close to the box art colourscheme cause I really like it. Made really good progess in the first two days but life got in the way on day three so it took a fourth one. I was super happy until I reached the very last steps, those skintones were challenging for me. Anyway, pretty happy with the final result. Onwards!


They look great jasko, nice colours

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Thanks Zodd, much appreciated!

:arrow_down: Painted models: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: +61

I painted this classic Sequitor Lady from the Stormcast Eternals

I don’t play the army, I’m not even that fond of Stormcast Eternals as a concept, but especially this model is pretty cool and I just wanted to have and paint it as a “collectible”. I basically never had models I didn’t play with, that has begun only recently. Since I have no intention of getting more models (only exception would be as part of this partworks magazine, and only because I’d get like 10 of those Thunderstrike guys for lile 4euros, so yeah, I’ll take them) I stuck as close as possible to the box art. Pretty happy with the result, definitely has some of the smoothest coats of paint I’ve yet done :sweat_smile: Nice model, good fun to paint.


:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 2
:arrow_right: Total count: +63

One step forwards, two steps back.

But my Firstborn Dark Angels should finally be complete now. Only thing I regret not securing is the classic boxy Dreadnought. There are many on eBay, but I’d like the box to have all weapon options. Ah well, I’ll keep my eyes open.


“Complete” except for the literal one thing that matters more than anything in the world.



:arrow_down: Painted models: 2
:arrow_right: Total count: +61

Painted up two statues to be used as terrain features. I fancy the white one would make a good proxy for a Magic Circle, while the black one, well, that’s a Sinister Statue right there. Or just some pieces of scatter terrain. They do fit nicely into the central slot on my large modular forest as well, and I will paint up some stone menhirs as well.

Paintingwise there were very straight-forward. The black one is drybrushed with various gray tones and a final highlight of dhaneb stone, for the white one I tried the Hammer of Wrath’s tutorial for faux marble. Think it came out well enough (looks a little better in real life) for my first try, and even Trip says it’s not easy on an actual model (as demonstrated by his Commander Dante). All in all I’m qute happy with the results.

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:arrow_down: Painted models: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: +60

Painted another model I just really wanted to have without any direct game application.

Severina Raine is just an awesome model, I really like the pose and everything.


:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: +61

Couldn’t miss out on a tiny Rhino.

It’s obviously a super well done model. But parts are also really small. My fingers hurt from holding those tiny exhaust pipes to scrape off the sprue flash. I’m not sure I’d want to build an entire army…


:arrow_down: Painted models: 6
:arrow_right: Total count: +55

It’s been a long time since I showed an actual Chaos Dwarf in these hallowed halls. No more!

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:arrow_down: Painted models: 8
:arrow_right: Total count: +47

Too many models, too little time!

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if fighting will not result in victory, then you must not fight even at the ruler’s bidding. – Sun Tzu

The year draws to a close, and with thit my efforts in the BATG. It is time to take stock, to see what has been accomplished, and where there is room for improvement.

I went into the year confident in my hobby abilities. I was very happy with last year’s BATG, where I had painted probably more than ever before in my hobby life. Since I didn’t have anything primed anyway, I started the year with some terrain projects and assembling models still left on sprue. I thought I could pass by with a little while without painting, but then life got in the way and that period ended up longer than I anticipated. But that didn’t stop me from adding a few new models to my Night Goblins and Chaos Dwarfs, getting more Underworlds warbands, jumping into Necromunda and Warcry, picking up a few lone models I just really liked, and starting a substantial Dark Angels FOMO run to complete my firstborn army before the inevitable relaunch.
If not through painting, I could at least sell some models I just didn’t need which was also nice, and in August I finally started painting. I’m quite happy with what I’ve painted, even if it wasn’t as much as I had hoped. It’s important now to carry that momentum I started at the end of the year into the next, so I may at least start that one with some negative numbers.

We shall see.