Fifty shapes of grey [BATG 2022]

:arrow_down: Painted models: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: -81

Painted Skarsnik & Gobbla

The next small milestone: all infantry models are painted.

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:arrow_down: Painted models: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: -82

I painted up the Legion of Votann model of the month.

This was really fun to paint! Someone on the interwebs realised that the LoV models have this striking resemblance of 90’s era LEGO and made a mockup with a variety of colours

I went with the Rock Raiders scheme, with only very few adjustments. Quite happy with how it all turned out, I don’t freehand a lot, so that’s always a way to get the blood pressure up :slight_smile:

I can submit the pictures for the store-contest until tomorrow, it will only be the second time after Golden Hat XXXVIII I do something like that. Let’s see how that goes!


:arrow_down: Painted models: 2
:arrow_right: Total count: -84

Painted two Night Goblin Bosses on Giant Cave Squigs.

The next small milestone: all characters painted. Not much more now. I can see the end.

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:arrow_down: Painted models: 3
:arrow_right: Total count: -87

Last day of the month, you know what that means: Time for some last minute BATG additions. Painted a Snotling Pump Wagon and two Snotling bases.

No only some large models remain.

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:arrow_down: Painted models: 3
:arrow_right: Total count: -90

Painted the big Squigs. Only the trolls remaining now. I can taste it.

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:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: -89

What goes up must come down


:arrow_down: Painted models: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: -90

Another last day of the month, another BATG progress. Painted the Goff Rocker. Boy that was fun! Couldn’t decide between beloved hazard stripes and classic Goff chequers so I just went for both. Was actually my first time painting chequers. It makes it a little harder to see the actual structure, but I still like how it turned out.


:arrow_down: Models sold: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: -91

Awwwwwww yeah, sold the surplus Sequitor, easy BATG win.

Then again…


:arrow_down: Painted models: 6
:arrow_right: Total count: -97

Painted 6 Rockgut Troggoths. Only one unit remaining now. Starting to feel weak in the knees.

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So, errr, I don’t really know how the competition was, but I’d be lying if I said that I wasn’t a little proud that my Rock Raiders Syndicate Leagues of Votann Hearthkyn model of the month indeed won me the gold [certificate] at my local GW’s painting competition! So if you’re ever in the Cologne area, besides giving me a call so we can hang and play some games, check the Warhammer store and see me on the wall of honour.

Also came with this nice collection of artprint cards.


Good to know some people still appreciate the finer things in life. You raided some good loot there!


:arrow_down: Painted models: 6
:arrow_right: Total count: -103

Guys. I did it. I painted 6 Fungus Troggoths. I’m in the gold tier now. And more importantly: My Night Goblins army is finished. (for the time being…)

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:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 3
:arrow_right: Total count: -100

I’m not ashamed to admit I made a tactical BATG purchase :slight_smile:

First we have this model which I always liked a lot. It inspired a Warhammer Crime story I am currently juggling in my head and which I want to try and ban to paper (well, screen. You know what I mean) next year, and I want to paint her up and keep as motivation.

And then we have this auspicious black box.

When Forgeworld started with their whole Horus Heresy thing and it became clear they were going to release all the Primarchs, I basically knew at one time I would get the one from my chapter. I hoped the model would be cool, and boy when it finally came, it delivered. And not the least thanks to the BATG, I feel like I might actually be able to paint this guy up in the way he deserves. Won’t be next year most likely, but it’s now in the realm of possibilities.

Look at my big boy! He’s huge! (That’s a primaris for scale…)


:arrow_down: Painted models: 1
:arrow_right: Total count: -101

I wanted to end the year on a high note, so I painted my Night Goblin Loonshrine.
And so ends BATG 2022 for me. I am very happy and tbh fairly proud. My first goal was finishing my Chaos Dwarf Big Hat army in time for CDOffline, I did that. My main goal then was finishing my Night Goblin army, I managed to do that as well. (For now, at least.) Getting gold in the process is the icing on the cake. 2022 was by far my most productive hobby year yet, and it’s in no small part thanks to this community. So thanks guys, you made this possible :slight_smile:

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