Followers of the Forbidden Scriptures of Dingir Nakart Zhinn

Alright, I have to tell you a story.
Jasko already knows.

Some of you might remember my struggling with the slightly too small 28-mm-downscaled LKM CDs that were also slightly too true-scale next to FW and RA models. I then calculated what scaling factor they would have for 30 mm (which should fit better), asked my etsy seller to print them like that and… got them in 29 mm.
He promised to re-print them, sent me a test model (which was fine indeed) and then forgot. It was summer or spring or something, I had to remind him, he forgot again, I reminded him again, but this year he actually delivered:

They looked like this shortly after:

I’m currently putting strings on the crossbows I got from Jasko and which those models were ordered for, and he is about to send some more if he didn’t already, so we’ll see another regiment here soon. ^^

I’ll also have to tell what this Hammerfall-themed teaser above was about (soon).