Big YES here!
Love the cannon - especially the subtle yet precise shading and the super realistic colors! Hopefully the first of many such gems?
This is some fantastic work, love that base for the cannon and the runes along the side. Looks even better all painted up
Long in the making, the Hellcannon is ready. A fully 3D printed project this time, modeled mostly by me, with exception of the skulls, big and small. The crew comes from Lost Kingdom Anzu Cannon and Ballista.
seeing it coming to life on discord was amazing! excellent work!! serious skill here on autocad or whatever that is!!
Damn, that one is a beauty! Appropriately worn and scary!
Waw, you do the original a lo of justice man! love it!
I finally managed to sit down and unpack the hobgrots I ordered. Units on their way, for now here’s a Khan.
Looks great, have you made the switch to square bases?
If so, i approve
Beautiful conversion! Love the cloak you gave him. Great colour scheme, too. I’m looking forward to seeing his horde!
Great conversion, love to see what people can make of the new Hobgrots!
Another great work of digital design, print, and sculpt workflow graces the forum! Excellent result!
Very nice, I’m always interested to see how people improve upon the miserable hobgrots miniatures.
You’ve taken a rather unique route with this guy, and it looks so much better than what GW came up with.
I’m guessing that you changed his leg positions? Maybe it’s just the pic angle, but he looks more well balanced than the typical hobgrot stance
Very impressive conversion. If this and similar models existed I would give a kidney for it.
Your guns are soooooo big and coool! I’m envious
I didn’t change the stance, it’s actually one of the cooler poses from the box.
First batch of Hobgoblins. Didn’t go too far with greenstuff yet to get a feel what’s just enough on top of the grot.
It’s been a while but I return with the third hellcannon. This time the original, with some conservatory work put to it.
Recently I had the pleasure of getting an amazing package of conversion from Denelian5 and I started painting them up. There’s something great in oldschool minis, all line up in a similar pose. And for once there’s no issue ranking them up!
You are doing a great job with those gladd. Great conversions too