Grim Dark Chaos Dwarfs

Revisited these yesterday, very happy with progress but nothing to show yet, Battle Against the Grey and them going OOP has been the motivation behind the return

I’m thinking of changing up the bases, maybe something a little more classic Chaos Dwarfs like black rock and lava or I may go a more desert route like my Dark Angels

Although painting has not been done for while as 40k Crusade and Blood Bowl have come to the fore I’ve still been thinking about this army and fluff, just to keep the project alive whilst on hold.

Astrogoth now it is safe to assume has been spending more time with Nagash given the ferrying of souls we do in AoS, for me Astrogoth has has been intrigued by the, what he finds hilarious, trick that Nagash has played on the Flesh Eater Courts. To have that amount of control over others, the sort of power to change their very existence to his very will is something that had intrigued Astrogoth and so he has played it out in his own cruel experiment here.
So building on the previous idea of being ruled or controlled by one I thought the unkept bleached armour of these Chaos Dwarfs is the reality we see, covered in runes that keep them under the delusion Astrogoth has planned out for them. Closely ruled over by only a few trusted Sorcerer Lords these broken unkept souls of Dwarfs believe themselves covered in the honoured bright red dragon scale armour of old and hats that stand tall on their head to denote the glory and respect they deserve from their fellow Dwarfs, they are living a truly blessed life even regarded by Hashut himself, but in reality these crude and painful helms are what they wear instead.
Only the Sorcerer Lord and the a retinue of revered Bull Centaurs are aware of the deception, the Sorcerer Lord on his Bull Taurus looks to seek the good graces of Astrogoth by turning this experiment into a success and the Bull Centaurs, much like Astrogoth, see this as particularly amusing and so follow with a humoured curiosity more than anything else.

Again just a germ of an idea for now, building on the wonderful Flesh Easter Courts lore