Grim Dark Chaos Dwarfs

Symbols are looking great!

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Thank you!

Managed to complete the next 5 too

As those that have known me a while will attest to I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever painted so much so quickly, I know 10 in 2 weeks may not seem like much but it is a lot for me :grin: hopefully itā€™s a good sign, certainly a sign of how much Iā€™m enjoying this scheme on these minis :vulcan_salute:t2:

I wanted to make the Champion stand out so I added some additional red to highlight seniority



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They look more than excellent.
10 in two weeks is not slow, especially when they look so good.

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Yessss! Would love to face beautiful miniatures on the tabletop.

  1. Got any ideas for basing theme?
  2. in your head canon where are these guys? The Old World? The mortal realms? Somewhere else?
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Thanks guys

@Oxymandias Iā€™ve had this idea of a colour scheme for a long long time and Iā€™ve had a very specific idea for basing too but unfortunately I donā€™t have the means to make them right now. That was idea for round bases, which they will certainly end up on, but I also like the KoW idea of a little scenic base for units though for now I have something different in mind which I will hopefully be able to show you fairly soon :thinking:

Not sure actually answered your question there though :man_shrugging:t2::joy:


A unit of 10 Chaos Dwarfs is pretty big, but just started on something a bit biggerā€¦

ā€¦ go big or go home :grin:


I see you want to ride on a wave of Motivation :grinning: :grinning:

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Oh, love your style! These will be truly original and dark! :slight_smile:

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Quality paintjobs! Great stuff!

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Man, these are so good. :smiley:

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these are fantastic! one of the best schemes iā€™ve seen on azgorh models. whatā€™s your recipe for the white?


Hi @drogg, welcome to the discord :+1:t2:

Thanks for all the kind words again guys, definitely looking to ride the wave @TheHoodedMan :grin:

The white starts with a base coat of Zandri Dust, then Pallid Wytch Flesh through an airbrush focusing on the raised areas only really leaving Zandri Dust showing from the very bottom. From there itā€™s all weathering, sponge on Rhinox Hide, add some Mournfang Brown to the centre of big bits of that Rhinox Hide then a very watered down wash of Mournfang Brown to really dirty hat white up. I also put some of my Armour wash along the lines at the same time Iā€™m doing the silver and bronze which a big pot mixed of purple, brown and black washes thinned with medium.
The whole point of this was to be quick and effective so Iā€™m very aware there are a few more steps I could add to make them look a lot better but maybe Iā€™ll save that for some of the main characters rather than rank and fileā€¦maybeā€¦ or maybe Iā€™ll just do them the same too :grin:

I did mean to do a step by step with the second batch I painted but that wave of momentum meant I completely forgot :man_shrugging:t2: lucky Iā€™ve got 30 more to do :joy: :unamused:


Played about with some picsā€¦


As with most of my minis I always want to make them a little different (if not very different) than the ā€˜box artā€™ so Iā€™ve added some subtle and not subtle changes to this Chaos Dwarf Lord in foot, I also wanted to add the Stormcast head in there as we are quite different from most things in the Warhammer World so hanging one of the poster boys from your belt as a trophy fits you right in you know :grin:

Once I was happy with that it was onto the painting which I am currently about half way through.

Iā€™d previously used decals for the shield designs and other runes but the spaces here were too small so I had to freehand these ones :grimacing:

The addition of red to the armour denotes rank so as far as infantry goes this is the top guy, although clearly touched by chaos I did still want them to show some form of dwarven conformity so I like the idea that these markings still mean something to these guys and they still honour the Dwarf in them as much as the Chaos in them

I also stated to play about with the layout of the army in the display board, just to get a rough idea of places and what I should/shouldnā€™t have outā€¦

ā€¦not completely obvious now but when itā€™s all done should be nice to look back on these early pics :+1:t2::vulcan_salute:t2:


The lord is coming out really well. Love the purple around the horns and stuff. Chaos Mutation should hurt and it looks like it does!!!

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The command model is looking great, and the conversions really make it stand out from the standard model!

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This Scheme is amazing, I would love to try and adopt it but I donā€™t have an airbrush! any chance you could do a step by step?

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Thanks all

@Karnus I did mean to do that on some of the latest minis so Iā€™ll try again with the Blunderbuss/Fireglave unit. I like the scheme because the airbrush isnā€™t essential, just a time saver, so maybe Iā€™ll do one with and without :thinking:

More WIP whilst Iā€™m hereā€¦


So gritty and grim dark. Love it.

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