Another year, another post. Won’t it ever stop? Guess not, because I still have a bunch of stuff to paint.
First lets make some plans to see how far I come this year. Nothing really concrete planned, not triple simultaneous Escalation campaigns like last year, so should be a breeze.
A couple of goals that moved over from last year:
Paint up a Malifaux crew. ok ok, I finished this last year, but I still have a bunch of cool minis I really want to paint. And I registered for a small tournament in February so I might actually play a game this year! Chance of succes: 85%
Paint up an Old World army. My Goblin army is rebased and ready to go, but I still have a bunch of Squigs I need to paint. And ofcourse my Dogs of War Empire army. Maybe I’ll paint some of those. Or maybe some Chaos, I really like them in our Minihammer campaign. Chance of succes: 50%?
Some copy-pastes from last year:
Paint up a Conquest army.copy-paste from last year. A friend is hyping me up for this game. Not that many mini’s, and Orcs on dinosaurs? Not sure if I can resist. Probably a higher chance of happening, even though these won’t come from my pile… Chance of succes: 40%?
Paint up the Horizon Zero Dawn boardgame. A leftover from last year. I’d love to get this set painted up, but not sure when/if I have time for this. Chance of succes: 22,7%?
Paint up some Walking Dead: All out War models. I love this game, in theory. I own way too many models for it, but have never played a game. Then again, don’t play with unpainted models. Love to give this a shot. Chance of succes: 47,3%?
Paint up the 40k Boarding Actions terrain set. A supercool set of terrain, and I recently played a game of Boarding Actions and that was fun as well. Shouldn’t take too long, but how much do I love drybrushing a pile of plastic? Chance of succes: 31,9%?
And some more random new goals:
More Silver Bayonet. The game is fun and I’d love to paint some more monsters in Napoleonic uniforms. This will probably happen sometime soon. Chance of succes: 91%
Kill Team? Another game I have the minis for but that I have never played. Painting up 10 little 40k guys shouldn’t be that difficult right? Chance of succes: 55%
Lets make this another colourful random year! Hope you enjoy the ride!
So yeah, this week I painted some Malifaux models from my pile. I just wanted to take my time on some random characters, so I grabbed these random False Witnesses. Love the character and backstory.
Just 2 generic Minions. Lovely comical. Paid to give false testimonies to everyone who wants to hear it. Basically the ‘fake news’ warband.
Up next is to repaint the faces on the existing warband, so I don’t have to be ashamed to field them again. Won’t count them for this blog. I painted these back in 2017:
Somehow I managed to win, but the important part was that all of us painted a complete army!
Here are some pics of the final battle:
For the final part of the campaign I actually added something relevant to this forum; a Hellcannon! I didn’t like the printable model (too small) so I added some of my own sculpting:
And just for you guys, and ofcourse for the Slaanesh theme, I had to build an Asscannon as an alternative!