Halgar Hellgaze's Doomseekers [BATG 2021]

Another one off the list. I need to do some units if I want to make some progress here…

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 34
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 7

Total: 27


More beautiful work, enjoying watching your progress mate :beer:

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I need to get painting again!!! I printed these!

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 39
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 7

Total: 32


Holy moly that cannon is a beast!

Looks like it’s bigger than a Hellcannon by a long shot, am I right?

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No, its scaled down a lot.

Here it is next to the iron deamon


Iron daemon :ballot_box_with_check:
Yzenor Anvilbrand :ballot_box_with_check:


Two more models done.

Also have 36 warriors drying and waiting for varnish that will soon be added here too!

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 39
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 9

Total: 30


There goes my batg score…

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 79
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 9

Total: 70


Very imposing sight, now just assemble and paint! :wink:

They’ll get their tlc soon. First finish the K’Daai, then a blunderbuss unit and the dreadquake.

34 warriors done. Beating the batg score back down.

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 79
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 43

Total: 36


quite the roller coaster here. you’re painting at an impressive clip for sure. Nice to see those LK (pretty sure) warriors in a large unit.

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Thank you @Reaver, yeah… always doing lots of stuff simultaneously… soon 7 K’Daai will join the army and then I’ll go for another block of dwarfs. Either the 40 I just printed, or the 36 with blunderbusses I painted last year that I rescaled too.

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7 K’Daai fireborn off the list. At this rate I should break even again within a month!

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 79
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 50

Total: 29


I love that rocket launcher! Kudos to that one!! And I’ve seen plenty of people print off the Anzu cannon but no one has painted it yet. I hope that’s on your worktable at some point?


Most definitely, not sure when yet.

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Also… thank you :slight_smile:

Right, 37 Infernal Guard, 10 bull centaurs and a standard Bearer done! This is great for my batg!

The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 79
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 98

Total: -19


for those interested, my chaos dwarfs are close to 100%, just one more unit of 40 warriors, a lamassu, the dreadquake mortar and the two destroyers.


The Official Tally

:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Purchased: 0
:heavy_plus_sign: New Models Created: 79
:heavy_minus_sign: Models Painted: 99

Total: -20

BATG 2021 is going well


Excellent stuff @MichaelX, your glowing green weapons (and his armpit bling) are definitely becoming a hallmark of your army. Great to see it show up in subtle and not subtle ways. Also the goblin hanging is such a fun part of this model.