Halgar Hellgaze's Doomseekers [BATG 2022]

:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 181
:arrow_down: Painted models: 436
:arrow_right: Total count: -255


Lots of changes in 1 update!

Printed another 30 skaven slaves, 40 tomb king skeleton warriors with swords that i still need to assemble and take pics of, 5 rat hounds and 4 rat swarms.

I also painted all 80 slaves (50 of last month and 30 of this month) and 4 ratswarms.

Pics follow soon but i need to make a poat to keep track… haha


@BATG_Warriors painting 84 models and only increasing score by 5… but stilll… look at that total painted model score :scream:


Looks at Sir Sporty Sportsman over here. Out sportsing all the other lesser sportsdabblers on the sports-field.


:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 182
:arrow_down: Painted models: 442
:arrow_right: Total count: -260


Painted 5 rat hounds

EDIT: Oh and i forgot my hellpit abomination!


I think you need to target 1000 painted models by dec 31st. I reckon you can do it!

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haha well, i “only” have about 90 more skaven to go (not counting additions)

with skaven alone im going to end between 500 and 600 models. The only way to reach 1K is if i also start painting tomb king skeletons. Since i’m printing those… who knows… :smiley:

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I love how most of this thread has just turned into @MichaelX sharing the spoils of his amazing stamina and speed, while most of us ogle from a distance. Michael, if this were a sprint, I doubt even Usain Bolt would be able to keep up, haha

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So uh… update time…

a few weeks ago i sort of splurged a bit on Kill Team: Into the Dark, and while i’m still happy with the purchase… i totally forgot about BATG… :grimacing:

Soooo… it contains 24 minis and 54 pieces of terrain…


I DID however paint a unit of 23 clanrats…


but i also bought 15 chaos models from @chitzkoi


So in total my score is:

:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 275
:arrow_down: Painted models: 465
:arrow_right: Total count: -190


So… slight regression…


Some of the stuff i bought is: using web images as
showing unpainted crap sucks…




Oh man that Into the Dark set is so tempting, I’d love to paint up the terrain.

Looking forward to some pics :slight_smile:

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yeah, it’s going to take a while though haha


Fantastic work across all the miniatures you’ve been painting up, really love those those chaos dwarfs you’ve done!

I have a massive soft spot for skaven as well (they mainly go soft under artillery fire, either mine or the guy playing them…) and you’ve done a great job painting up those regiments.

I’m looking forward to seeing what’s next on your roster!

Also btw those lizardmen temples are class, did you scratch build them?

Hey man, thank you!

No, they are from a lost kingdom kickstarter. They are all 3d printed and glued together.

:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 275
:arrow_down: Painted models: 510
:arrow_right: Total count: -235


26 nightrunners, 13 slaves, 5 asassins and deathmaster snikch


:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 281
:arrow_down: Painted models: 522
:arrow_right: Total count: -241


I painted 11 weapon teams but i also printed 3 doomflayers and 3 stormfiends!

Thats still progress!


Looks good!
124 models in 71 days to get a -365 or a -1 per day.

Can you do it?

I think so…

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I dont have that many skaven left… and i dont think oll find motivation to paint my entire daemon force this year. Also, i allready painted almost 1.5 a day total

As the BATG sages of yore do sayeth,

“It doth not matterest if thou painteth a model each sunset if ye printer printeth one by sunrise.”

And as the wisest of their number, Shiest LeBeef did proclaim


Untactical self nuke incoming!

I printed 40 Tomb King skellies with HW and Shield somewhere before summer but after printing i put them in a box and forgot about them. Usually when i print stuff i instantly assemble them and add them to the batg, but as these werent assembled… well…

I just found (and assembled) a box of 40 tk skellies…

:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 321
:arrow_down: Painted models: 522
:arrow_right: Total count: -201



Painted 13 skaven characters

:arrow_up: Additions to the pile: 321
:arrow_down: Painted models: 535
:arrow_right: Total count: -214
