Wizard (ex- citadel Foundey model)
I put a cheeky £5 bid on a stormcast hero (Blormfarp on Bumsnuffler)
I saw potential to make it an empire general on Demi gryph.
So I did!
Conversion mostly consisted of headswap on hero and mount, weapon swap and shield swap. Also there was a tiny bit of reposing on the monster’s tail so that he could fit nicely on the rectangle base
great work on having the chicken knight not looking dumb anylonger!
I’m stunned. What to even say?? Incredible.
Hot damn, mate, incredible work!
Incredible army. What grit, what colours, what freehand, what fun! And Moaning Lisa is ingenious. Insert dirty joke about coupling Lisa with the Vitruvian man here. Also, it is always worth painting the codpieces. Sigmar demands it.
Stellar project, Oxy! Wow! I see I have a lot of good stuff to catch up on after the slow burnout years (not over yet, admittedly). Discovering this was a delightful gem to behold.
Added some more gunners
Here they are with the ones I did last week to make a full unit
And I have also added a state trooper with standard
I don’t like to blow my own trumpet but I’m
Well happy with how the banner came out
Another wizard (definitely the apprentice) joins the army. (According to his CV he has previously served as a hero on a quest?)
Bloody brilliant mate!
Holy moly that’s crazy productive!